People of various faiths and NPOS join Scientology Volunteer Ministers to protect South Africa

Volunteer Ministers brings sanitization to Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department
Volunteer Ministers brings sanitization to Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department

Since Tuesday, 42 Pastors of various faiths and NPOs decided to join the Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VM) in sanitizing the country.  Donning the Volunteer Minister bright yellow jackets, they took off and helped sanitize an exceptional 7000 taxis in one day!

Sandile Hlayisi, Public Affairs Director for the Scientology Volunteer Ministers said that what made these people volunteer their time is two-fold: 1. their willingness to help their community – although not knowing what to do, and 2. All of them have taken the time to study some of the free courses online from the, which gave them the practical tools they needed to know how to help.  “After that, somehow magically, they connected back to us and we got them started,” said Hlayisi.

A man from the Ekurhuleni Youth Business Council is wholeheartedly working with youth in his area to get them active on the right thing.   He was looking at how he could help and that brought him to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers.  He and some of his youth did online courses and after a few courses, they decided to join in the Volunteer Ministers in sanitizing the place to protect people.

He said, “I’ve learn a lot working with the Scientology Volunteer Ministers.  I see that people are willing to play their part as soon as they feel they are part of something bigger than themselves.  You don’t forget why you are doing this.  You are teaching us something new: we are protecting our country as citizens.  Everyone involved are learning and growing to be better community members.”

Pastors of other faiths, who have also participated at seminars from the Scientology Volunteer Ministers and have also done some of the online courses, decided to join in as well.   Apostle Patrick said that after he did some of the online courses, he could achieve his goal of helping his community.  He said,

“These courses are powerful.  They strengthen your abilities.  These skills really just sharpen you up, make you ready for anything.  I love to save my community.  You empowered me to do so.  The courses are compact and made such a big impact.  Outstanding knowledge.  I now have a vision for life.”

Hlayisi concluded, “We are empowered with the Volunteer Minister technology written by L. Ron Hubbard more than 50 years ago for South Africa.  This comes with a big responsibility.  And we use it at the service of our fellowman with pride and dignity.  We are thrilled that other groups are now joining us.  We can do more together.”

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have so far sanitized more than 7000 buildings, mostly in Gauteng but more recently in KZN, Eastern Cape and Western Cape.  They sanitized nearly 110,000 taxis, ambulances, fire trucks and police cars.  They have given more than 150,000 hours of volunteer work and they are confident that with the help of other NPOs and people of faiths, those statistics will grow even faster.