Hijacker shot in leg by victim in Sunninghill

Arrive Alive

Hijacker shot in leg by victim in Sunninghill
Hijacker shot in Sunninghill, Gauteng. Photo Arrive Alive.

Earlier this afternoon EMER-G-MED’s M07 responded to reports of a shooting on the corner of Rivonia and Naivasha roads, in Sunninghill.

It’s believed that three suspects attempted to hijack a bakkie (pickup-truck) using a toy-gun. Unfortunately for them the very alert driver opened fire on them with his own weapon, managing to shoot one of the suspects in the leg.

The hijackers then attempted to flee the scene on foot, but members of the public were able to a subdue the injured suspect.

The injured hijacker was transported by provincial services to a nearby hospital under police guard.

Two remaining suspects managed to escape.

The South African Police Services were on the scene to investigate further.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEArrive Alive