Gauteng police led by Deputy Provincial Commissioner, Major General Pharasi, supported by the officials from office of the MEC of Community Safety Ms Faith Mazibuko arrested about one hundred illegal immigrants and seized three firearms during operation Okae Molao on 3 October 2019, at Douglasdale policing precinct. The operation started at about 04:00.
During Operation O Kae Molao five taxis were impounded by the police after being found to have been tampered with. One stolen motor vehicle was also recovered. Drugs to the value of about R1000-00 were found abandoned in Kya Sands Informal Settlement and the suspect was later arrested.
Police will continue raiding the wanted suspects during these operations.
More than five hundred and twenty nine suspects were arrested for various cases, ranging from murder, hijackings and robberies while eighty two suspects were arrested for gender based violence cases such as rape, assault and domestic violence.
Police raided about twelve liquor outlets and one illegal shebeen was closed down.
The Provincial management commended the police officers for continuing to put the people of Gauteng first by making sure that they are and feel safe all the time.
The arrested suspects will appear in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court.
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