Ekurhuleni only metro in Gauteng where ANC led with votes ahead of the DA

African News Agency (ANA)

Ekurhuleni only metro in Gauteng where ANC led with votes ahead of the DA
Election officials start the ballot counting process at a polling station during municipal elections in Manenberg on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016. South Africans voted Wednesday in municipal elections described as the most closely contested for the African National Congress since it took power in the first all-race elections in 1994. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam)

As counting of the votes in the municipal elections continued Friday, the African National Congress (ANC) maintained its lead in the Ekurhuleni metro municipality ahead of the second placed Democratic Alliance (DA) party.

At least 73 percent of total votes had been counted in Gauteng province by Friday morning. The ANC led with a 44.91 percent followed by DA at 38.72 and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) at third place with 10.97.

Ekurhuleni was the only metro in Gauteng where the governing party led with votes ahead of the DA, compared to Johannesburg and Tshwane where the two parties had fierce contestation since Wednesday.

The DA led in Tshwane with 43.91 percent while ANC trailed at 38.72 early Friday. In Johannesburg, the ANC was at 41.91 percent and the DA at 38.72.

The EFF, dubbed ‘the kingmaker’ as election results tricked in from the metros, has so far garnered 10.57 and 10.81 percent of votes in Tshwane and Johannesburg respectively. Both the DA and the EFF have said they would not form coalitions with the ANC.

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SOURCEAfrican News Agency (ANA)