Corona virus gets Mayor of Mogale City on fire

Corona virus gets Mayor of Mogale City on fire
Corona virus gets Mayor of Mogale City on fire

Today, the Mayor of Mogale City, Mr. Francis Makgatho, joined forces with the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Covid-19 Response Team to help mitigate the spread of the covid-19 virus in the community.   After having his own office sanitized, which got him all fired up, on his way to sanitize the Kagiso area, he donned the Volunteer Minister yellow jacket, fully intent to help others too.


Armed with Decon 7, the most sophisticated decontamination technology in the world, used as a military-grade anti-germ warfare solution, he got himself trained to use the machine and immediately started to sanitize the community.

There hasn’t been a major disaster in the last two decades where the Scientologists didn’t respond, from 9/11 to the 2005 tsunami, the Fukushima disaster, and now this.

See also  Over 600 Graduate as Scientology Volunteer Ministers during Heritage month, advancing a movement of hope in Africa.