The Police Minister, General Bheki Cele has condemned in the strongest terms, the attack and murder of a female Tembisa police officer, during Women’s Month.
Minister Cele together with the South African Police Service Provincial management on Friday 27 August 2021, paid a comfort visit to the family of Sergeant Sharon Mogale. The 45-year-old member attached to the Tembisa Police Station, together with her partner Sergeant Mapule Petje were attacked and disarmed by four armed suspects while inside a retail shop in Tembisa; Ekurhuleni.
The suspects shot officer Mogale in the head before making off with both of the officers’ service pistols. Petje was not injured during the attack.
Minister Cele and the SAPS entourage, extended condolences to the Mogale family. The Minister has strongly condemned the murder of Sergeant Mogale which has robbed her three young children of a mother and the police service of a selfless and dedicated officer.
“These criminals planned this, they stalked these members, attacked them and disarmed them of their tools of trade, worse of all they killed one of our own, a female officer who was an active member of the police service and the community. We are pained that the attack on these officers comes at a time when the country is meant to celebrate women, but instead we are seeing women from all walks of life being brutally harmed in the worst ways by men.”
The Police Ministry has welcomed the arrest of a 31-year-old suspect in the Free State, for the murder of Constable Madikotsi Mota Malinga.
It is suspected the 32-year-old female officer was strangled to death on Saturday 21 August 2021, after sending distress calls to her colleagues of her boyfriend, the 31-year-old suspect, assaulting her.