ATM bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark

South African Police Services

ATM  bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark
ATM bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark - Image SA Police Services

Minutes before an ATM was bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark a Police vehicle drove past the ATM. Shortly thereafter between 6 and 7 heavily armed men arrived in a White X5 BMW with a sunroof and in true military style deployed and secured the area.

ATM  bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark - Image SA Police Services
ATM bombed at Wierda Mall, Wierdapark – Image SA Police Services

“Gaurds” armed with what appears to be assualt rifles were taking stance clearly ready to shoot should anyone confront them. Minutes later and after moving literally meters away from the ATM, the explosives were set off by a burning fuse sending flying debris across the street. In the meantime other members of the gang on “guard” were communicating via mobile phone with each other. CCC reaction team members which include Copwatch and Monitornet arrived literally three minutes after the White BMW left.

SAPS shortly thereafter deployed a police helicopter to help look for the White BMW X5 involved in bombing. No suspects were arrested.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Services