Two dagga farmers arrested, Boshof

South African Police Service

Two dagga farmers arrested, Boshof
Two dagga farmers arrested, Boshof

Two suspects aged 24 and 26 are appearing on the morning of 26 June 2020, in the Christiana Magistrates court on charges of illegal possession of dagga with intent to distribute and cultivating dagga on a farm in Boshof district in Free State.

In a multi-disciplinary controlled operation the members of the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime in North West, conducted several purchases with the suspect. During the second purchase, a 20-year-old suspect was arrested. Further investigation resulted in the second suspect (24) being arrested as well.

Upon visiting the farm, the Hawks discovered that dagga was planted in a field with controlled growing processes.

The National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation commended the team for having worked on this organised criminal group until they reach the source of the dagga.

“Instead of doing legitimate farming, the farm was used to illegally produce this dependence producing substance. Attention shall also be paid to the farm that was used to cultivate the substance determine as to whether it cannot be forfeited to the state,” Dr Lebeya said.

Investigations are continuing.

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SOURCESouth African Police Service