Triple tavern business robberies and shooting incidents at Harrismith

Triple tavern business robberies and shooting incidents at Harrismith

A devastating series of events unfolded last night 26 May 2024, and in the early hours of this morning 27 May 2024, at Intabazwe township and Harrismith respectfully, as three taverns were robbed by a group of about three to four armed men, leaving a trail of destruction and loss of life.

At the first tavern in Intabazwe, at about 21:40, the patron, a 48-year-old male, was robbed of a vehicle VW Polo after he was pointed with a firearm, and together with other patrons were ordered to lie down, they took his cellphone and car keys. The vehicle was later recovered about 3 km from the scene.

At the second tavern, also in Intabazwe at about 22:50, a 34-year-old tavern owner was with two of his security guards when a group of about four men arrived in a vehicle matching the description of the vehicle used in the first incident. The balaclava clad suspects, started shooting from the street and entered the tavern, where once more patrons were ordered to lie down and were robbed of their belongings, including cash from the cash register.

Tragically, at the third tavern, during the early hours of this morning at about 01:50, this place which is also operating as a cafe situated in Khubeka street, 42nd Hill Harrismith, three men armed with firearms and covering their faces with balaclavas entered the place and ordered patrons to lie down. They took an undisclosed amount of money from the cash register and robbed patrons of their belongings including cellphones as well as liquor. In the process, five people were shot, resulting in one fatality at the scene and another in the hospital. Three others are still being treated in the hospital. The community is left reeling from this senseless act of violence.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) Provincial Commissioner ordered the deployment of adequate resources to work on the detection of the suspects in this horrific incident. A team of skilful investigators has been established to thoroughly investigate the incidents and work towards the swift apprehension of the suspects. We urge anyone with information to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrators to justice, by calling our Crime Stop number on 08600 10111 or provide such information using MySAPS APP.

“Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims, and we commit to doing everything in our power to ensure that justice is served.” said the Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Baile Motswenyane.

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