ANC Chairperson,s statement to Media 24 earlier today on how expropriation of land will work, reveals the true agenda of the ANC.
Mantashe, amongst other statements, said that no person should own more than 12000 hectares and that farmers owning more than that, will have to face the possibility of the “remainder” (that is everything more than 12000 hectares) being expropriated without compensation.
He said the party would target 83% of land in the “hands of the few” while 13% is “balkanised” for the majority. In view of the report earlier this week by Fin24 stating that, if government should not compensate financial institutions for outstanding debts on land, R160 billion will be wiped off the books, there can be no doubt that we are heading for an economic disaster of unimaginable proportions.
FN has no doubt any more about the true racist, Communist agenda of the ANC regime as revealed by Mantashe. We reject this plan and the statements made by Mantashe with utmost contempt and will oppose it with everything in our power.
Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA
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