EFF: We will nationalise the sea

EFF: We will nationalise the sea

The Economic Freedom Fighters would nationalise the ocean to ensure South Africans benefit from the country’s natural resources, the fledgling party’s Western Cape premier candidate said on Friday.

“We need to end the limited access people have to natural resources,” Nazier Paulsen told the Cape Town Press Club.

“We will nationalise the ocean, the abalone, the perlemoen,” he said, adding that it was unconscionable that national government awarded fishing quotas to international companies instead of poor local communities.

Paulsen, a 47-year-old lecturer, said the EFF’s aims included total gender parity, free education up to post-graduate level, minimum farm workers’ wages of R5000, and creating a provincial construction company that would provide 100,000 jobs.

The company would be set up to end the corruption-prone practice of contracting private builders to construct social housing, and would “end the spacial divide” that persisted 20 years after the advent of democracy.

“We are still living in the apartheid spacial divide. It hasn’t ended, it is only being managed by the Democratic Alliance.”

The company would also take charge of the delivery of electricity, water, and sanitation.

“We will end this potty system within a year.” [….]

South Africa Today – South Africa News