‘Riverside Citrus’ burns, pay increase dispute, Fort Beaufort

Front National SA

For 5 years FN keeps asking the same question: Please explain to us how this works: You want a pay increase. The bossman says: “No can do, I simply cannot afford it. If I give you an increase, I have to let go of some of you to afford it.” So you set fire to the business and nobody has any income at all.

5 Years. No explanation. Not from Julius. Not from Mmusi. Not from Jacob. Not from Andile. Not from Cyril. Not from any trade union leader, religious leader, traditional leader, Professor in anthropology, sangoma or tokkelosh or anybody else.

How does that logic work? Really, if anybody can explain that to the world, we would be ever so grateful.

This morning the employees of Riverside Citrus in Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, demanded a pay increase. The employer explained that he cannot possibly meet the demand.

Whoops! Out with the matches and petrol and the warehouses with their contents go up in flames.

And again: No explanation as to what kind of logic can possibly regard such an act as sensible!

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

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SOURCEFront National SA