Balaclava clad attacker guns down elderly woman, Ngqeleni

South African Police Service

Police in Ngqeleni are looking for the killer of an 83 year old woman at At Godini locality in Ngqeleni yesterday, 25 May 2018 at about 21:30. It is alleged that an unknown balaclava clad gunman who was hiding near the deceased homestead saw a 40 year old man who was on his way home, pointed him with a firearm and ordered him to knock at the deceased door at gunpoint.

The man who is a family member to the deceased knocked at the door and when the deceased who is staying alone opened the door, the suspect shot several shots to the deceased and she died instantly. The suspect fled the scene and the man raised alarm to the neighbourhood.

Motive for her killing is not known yet and a murder case has been opened. We request anyone with information to contact D/Lt Col Nodlabi on 0798900806 or contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 and the information will be treated as confidential.

“We condemn and discourage the killing of elderly women. We encourage the communities to protect them and join the SAPS on its call in fighting this crime. We also request the Traditional Leaders to join hands with us in fighting this crime. We will leave no stone unturned in bringing the suspect to book” said Brigadier Nomawethu Makonza who is the Acting Cluster Commander.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Service