Cops refuse to accept charge lodged by a white man

Black SAPS officer Lyttelton: “where is that white guy with the bakkie? If I see him I will kill him.”… Cops refuse to accept charge lodged by a white man who was being threatened with lynching by a 30-strong black mob; and then threaten fellow-officers if they dare to help protect the white man against the mob…

May 28 2014 Centurion Rekord: “Allegations of black-racism against white residents has once again surfaced at the Lyttelton police station in Centurion last week. The police allegedly refused to open a case of assault due to the complainants’ skin colour and threatened other police officers if they did help him.

1. Allegation:

*Piet van der Merwe went to the station to open a case against taxi-driver *Sipho Dlamini after they had been involved in a verbal argument that turned into road rage. Dlamini smashed the windscreen of Van der Merwe’s vehicle with a wheel spanner and Van der Merwe crashed into Dlamini’s vehicle.

Dlamini opened a case of “attempted murder” against Van der Merwe after he allegedly ran over his right foot with his vehicle.

The arguments between Van der Merwe and Dlamini started in Gordon Hood Road, next to Centurion Mall.

According to sources who wished to remain anonymous, Van der Merwe accused Dlamini of holding up the traffic by stopping in the road. Van der Merwe stopped behind Dlamini’s vehicle and climbed out of his vehicle to confront him. Dlamini, who also climbed out of his vehicle, hit Van der Merwe in the face.

2. Allegation:

Dlamini said Van der Merwe “hooted impatiently at him as he stopped for pedestrians to cross the street and to drop a passenger. “The man insulted me and called me names. He did not even listen to what I had to say,” Dlamini told Rekord.

Both drivers got back into their cars and Dlamini was followed by Van der Merwe to the Gautrain station where their dispute continued.
According to the source, Van der Merwe parked behind Dlamini to take photos of his vehicle’s registration number.

“Dlamini climbed out of his car and smashed the windscreen of Van der Merwe’s vehicle with a wheel spanner.”

In the meantime, the source said, (about 30 black) people from the street approached Van der Merwe who was then sitting in his vehicle.

One of the men grabbed a bottle and smashed the left front window of Van der Merwe’s vehicle.
Van der Merwe felt threatened and feared for his life. “He knew he had to get out of the situation and tried to drive away.

But he was hemmed in as there was a vehicle behind him and the black VW Golf of Dlamini in front of him.

He tried to push the Golf forward to create space to move out. As he drove forward Dlamini jumped in front of him.

He then drove over his foot,” the source said.

The taxi-driver Dlamini said Van der Merwe “very aggressive” towards him. “He screamed at me that he would kill me. He smashed into my vehicle while I was standing next to the road. I took another man’s wheel spanner and threw it at his windscreen. That’s when he drove towards me and as I fell he drove over my right leg and I broke my ankle,” Dlamini said.

Van der Merwe then drove to the Lyttelton police station to open a case of assault against Dlamini.

The crowd of more than 30 black people, as well as Dlamini, followed the threatened Mr Van der Merwe.

At the police station, the black officers refused to help Van der Merwe. They allegedly gave him a J88 form that had to be filled out by a doctor before they would be prepared to open a case.

The 30-black crowd arrived at the station, allegedly threatening to kill Van der Merwe, said the source.

“The police, together with the crowd, then threatened Van der Merwe. The officers also threatened their colleagues if they would help him,” the source said. “The police are supposed to be unbiased towards anyone who wishes to open a case,” he added.

A witness wrote down the threat allegedly made by a police officer. “Where is that white guy with the bakkie? If I see him I will kill him.”

“Racism is a big issue at the station,” the source added. “Even among the officers themselves.”

Van der Merwe managed to flee from the scene. He could not be reached for comment. The police were not prepared to comment on the racism allegations.

*Names were changed to protect identity.

Local residents say they are often threatened at the Gauteng railway station in Lyttleton by black mobs…


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