Coloured people the result of white men raping black women???!!!

Front National South Africa

Coloured people the result of white men raping black women???!!!
Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Refilwe Modise

Below is a reply by Daniël Lötter from Front National SA to an ‘advertisement in the media’ by Ntsiki Mazwai published in The Citizen.

To: Ntsiki Mazwai – “Poet and racist”

Re: You advertisement in the media recently indicating an overload of stupidity for sale

You might remember the two of us writing a few letters to each other in September 2014 when you got rid of all your ignorance regarding Heritage Day. You’ve been quite silent for a while, I see you’ve collected enough ignorance in the meantime to make a fool of yourself again with your claim that Coloured People is the result of white men raping black women. (I quote your statement and the Tweets that went with it below)

Allow me to respond, not to the contents of the essay you wrote for there is hardly anything in there worth responding to, but to your statement quoted in my heading. I would appreciate clarification please:

1) Which black women? Here is a little history lesson: In 1658, a year after the first free burghers had been granted their plots of land, the first slaves were imported into South Africa, specifically for agricultural work. These slaves arrived at the Cape on 28 March 1658 on board the Amersfoort and had been captured by the Dutch from a Portuguese slaver en route to Brazil. Most of these slaves were originally captured by the Portuguese in present-day Angola. On 6 May 1658, 228 slaves from another group of slaves arrived at the Cape on board the Hassalt, from Ghana.

Why would that be the case? Because there were no indigenous black women in the Cape to rape or ensalve, even if the white men would’ve wanted to! Fact – all slaves were imported, because there were no local indigenous people to enslave and the local Khoi were not reliable labour. Fact, and I challenge you to prove me wrong.

2) Fact number two: The Indian subcontinent was the main source of slaves during the early part of the 18th century, and approximately 80% of slaves came from India during this period. A slaving station was established in Delagoa Bay (present-day Maputo) in 1721, but was abandoned in 1731. Between 1731 and 1765 more and more slaves were bought from Madagascar.

This also happened BEFORE any indigenous black person arrived even close to where the white settlers lived. Would you describe the Malay people from India as ancestors of yours? I challenge you to prove me wrong once again.

3) In making this statement, in my personal opinion, you do not insult the white man. You’ve been trying to do that for 2 decades now. We are so used to being called colonialists and settlers and racists that we actually don’t even bother to pay attention to it anymore. But you do insult the coloured community. This is a unique and special culture and custom which contributes to the variety of peoples in this country. To brand them the end result of a humanitarian crime, degrades them more than what you degrade the white man in your statement.

I would furthermore appreciate if you could kindly indicate where the Muslim culture originated? With the rapist or the raped? Who taught the child to worship Allah? Was it the Christian white rapist father or the ancestor-worshipping raped mother? Where did bobotie and blatjang and curry and the Klopse come from? The Dutch father or the African mother?

4) Now, let me give you a lesson in the history of interracial raping. Have you ever heard of the Koranna? As a group they existed in certain areas of the Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape frontier around 1800 to 1870. The town of Pofadder was actually named after one of their chiefs. THAT was a nation resulting from the forced integration of the Khoisan people with the Black tribes. Yes, the Khoisan men were simply butchered to death and the women raped and raped and raped until their children were no more Khoisan, neither Black.

Let me tell you of another incident in history: There is an entire file of evidence available of how black “agterryers” (horse-assistants) of the British during the Boer War of 1899-1902 deliberately gang-raped white women. I can extensively quote from that if you wish.

So let’s get this straight – your claim is based on pure racist ignorance, as usual, while in turn I can provide you with all the evidence you need to substantiate mine. Which brings me to the conclusion that all you are trying to do is to project the shame and guilt of you own nation through the actions of their history, onto mine, and in the process also insult the Coloured people of the country.

And it might have happened, if it was not coming from you, because by now we have learned that hardly anything sensible ever comes from your mouth. And once again, I challenge you to prove me wrong in this as well.

Daniel Lötter
Front National South Africa


Ntsiki Mazwai has waded into the contested debate about the origins of coloured people in SA.

Poet Ntsiki Mazwai has again taken to social media to criticise South Africa’s education system that seems to take away the “Africaness” of a black child.

During a diatribe against the global dominance of “white culture”, she went as far as to suggest that white people have exerted a very “violent effect” on South Africa, with the entire ethnic group known in South Africa as coloureds being one of the results.

In a series of tweets, Mazwai said it was embarrassing when grown black men speak broken English to try to impress when they can just speak their own languages.

Though one of her weaknesses was her inability to be fluent in her mother tongue, she was proud of herself because even the best white schools in the country had not won in trying to make her “worship whiteness”.

“I think education took the best part of me… Africaness [sic].”

The main problem with the education system was its failure to teach the black child about their history and heroes, according to the poet.

“Teach the black child about her own heroes….because white heroes don’t mean shit to us…even white celebrities mean dololo to u.

“Your white heroes are not my heroes….I have my own heroes,” she said.

Black people don’t worship Madonna and the Pope and want nothing to do with Pippa Middleton’s wedding or Ariana Grande, because “all these whites mean shit to us. We don’t care about them,” she said.

In fact, blacks “don’t recognise your white gods”.

White heroes, who are “trash” killed “my” people, and were further successful in dividing blacks and creating “superior” blacks, said Ntsiki.

“Kana white people killed Steve Biko…white people killed Chris Hani.”

They did not stop there, according to Mazwai, their “very violent effect” on black people is still evident today through the entire race of coloureds who are apparently a result of rape culture.

“We have a group called coloured who come from white men raping black women….so erm…about white people.”

She further slammed white people’s “overinflated sense of self-importance”, because the same whites were getting money in former president Nelson Mandela’s name, she alleged.

Many coloured people may take issue with the poet’s views, however, as several coloured-advocacy groups choose to trace their ancestry back to the indigenous South African Khoisan people, thus denying that their heritage is only down to a mixing of racial DNA between “Africans” and “Europeans”.

She was taken to task by some of her followers, and she hit back at one by saying that anyone saying whites didn’t rape blacks was “pretending”.

When Noel Barry-Wilson told her: “You think it’s constructive 2 demean the entire colored race including USA past president & all people left of middle on the grey scale?” she hit back that he was being idiotic and “stirring bullshit”.

He had earlier told her: “Why do you assume that the beautiful colored nation did not freely chose their partner & do not have any white mothers in their heritage?”

King Sankara told her not to insult “mix race relationships” while another follower mentioned Saartjie Baartman.

SOURCEFront National South Africa