BLF called for a boycott of the Black Monday protests

Front National SA

BLF called for a boycott of the Black Monday protests
BLF called for a boycott of the Black Monday protests - Image - Front National SA

The organisation, Black Land First, called for a boycott of the Black Monday protests this morning referring to farmers in terms of murderers and slave owners.

I want to say this in English, for not only Andile Mnxgitama and BLF should understand this, the world needs to understand this.

All over this country people gathered together this morning to say: “Enough is enough.” Enough hatred, enough murder, enough blame, enough destruction. Enough now.

Along the R44 near Klapmuts, opposite the gate of the farm where Joubert Conradie was executed in his own house last Tuesday night, 5000 vehicles were parked. 18000 people went on their knees. There were Afrikaners there, there were people who prefer to call themselves Boere. There were English speaking white people there. There were black lorry drivers and coloured farm workers in their overalls. There were motorcycle clubs and transport companies. Tractor drivers. Horse riders. Children in school uniforms, students and old people with walking sticks. There were trucks and tractors and cars and bakkies and lorries and coaches and even a horse-drawn carriage. There were people who came on foot from humble farm labourer’s cottages dotting the countryside. There was a man with no legs and blind woman with a guide dog.

And one of the prayers to which we kneeled came from a farm worker who asked the Lord to protect their employers and food producers.

In the Name of God it was proclaimed that this country will be freed from the terrorism and murder mongering of people like you.

And this you can take from a person who was there, who had, for a few moment, an insight into the hearts of our people. The Afrikaner people and those who are our friends, WILL be free. This land WILL be free of the darkness which you have brought upon it. And you and your kin, in a few moments along a country road in the vineyards of this fertile land, became irrelevant to the future of this country.

Your time is over. You failed in your destruction. There is a new dawn in this country and a future in which people like you will have no place.

Read the original article by Daniel Lötter on Front Nasionaal SA – blad

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEFront National SA