A question of fundamental irreconcilables – the 8 basic things (1)

A question of fundamental irreconcilables – the 8 basic things (1)

FW de Klerk swayed the opinion of White South Africa with his promise of “unity in diversity”. It was a term as beautifully sounding and at the same time as illogical as stating that we intend to draw a “completely round circle.”

It is a non-existent juxtapose that was easily sold to the world because the world never knew that there was no comparison to be drawn between the black man in South Africa and the black man in Europe and the USA.

Having lived and worked in the UK for a number of years I have mingled with and befriended more than one black person, and without exception people who are highly intelligent and who accepted Western custom and civilisation as their own.

They have, like the African American, been part of that society for so many generations, that they have but a long distant ancestral link with Africa.

They are Africans, however, as little as what the Afrikaner can be Dutch, German, French or English. The constant and tedious outcry by black South Africans and liberals alike: “If you don’t like SA, go back home!” is null and void because of this reason…we are of this land, we SHALL STAY HERE!

What De Klerk sold to the world was a unity of diversity which could never exist because the diversity was based on the assumption that the minority would gradually assimilate to the custom and conduct of the majority. It could never be the other way around. A box of apples never change into eggs if you put two eggs amongst them on the journey to the market. At most, those two eggs will crack and break and go to waste.

White minority South Africa is those eggs. The genocide being perpetrated against them and the condoning of it through the silence of the ANC government and the very liberal DA opposition, is the act of breaking and destruction. All because the presumed assimilation into the black majority custom can never happen. The difference is too big. The Rainbow Nation can never exist because it is made up of a mixture of oil and water.

There are 8 very basic typical black South African characteristics which are irreconcilable with the character and custom of the White South African. (And before anybody goes into a furious rage because this is white on black racism being committed here: These characteristics were identified and described as irreconcilable by two black South African academics: prof JS Mbiti and prof J Matsheke, SABRA Yearbook No 10 page 31)

1) Failure, even in his work, is automatically blamed by the black South African on an ancestor who is upset with him or an enemy who cursed or jinxed him. The black South African, despite years of Western education and exposure to western custom and social structures via media such as TV and Facebook, still cannot leave the old superstitions behind. Even to this day senior politicians of the ANC consult the sangoma (witchdoctor) to throw the bones and predict outcomes. Scary to think that the well-being of a nation may depend on what the bones of a fox who died of old age on a moonlit night when the stars were shooting, tells the sangoma.

2) On the opposite end of this scale, success is contributed to a happy ancestor. Even in his adopting the Christian faith, God is too great a being to directly access, religion is a mixture where the ancestor intercedes with God. Nkosi, the name given to God, is also the name in the tribal religion given to the first ancestor who came from the tree. It is therefore expected of the white South African to accept this in singing the National anthem : Nkosi sikelele iAfrica.

I have no words describing to you the humiliation of seeing young white, Christian athletes in national teams standing to attention and singing: “Oh first ancestor of all who came from the trees, protect Africa.” This incapability of the black South African to accept any responsibility for failure or success, the projection of it to external sources, inevitably leads to a lack of motivation to achieve anything. There is no purpose but to exist and hope the ancestors are not unhappy.

3) Responsibility is never accepted. It is always blamed on something else. Whatever else goes wrong as a result of corruption or greed or mismanagement is blamed on apartheid. It is because of this that pres Zuma can say “Corruption is a Western concept.” He admits that he is corrupt, but by linking it to an exterior source (the West), he avoids the responsibility for it. He is not to be blamed – that is his custom. But it is not mine and therefore I refuse to be involved in tolerating it.

One has to understand furthermore that the Black South African custom is not to address the problem, but to attempt to destroy the perceived source of the problem. Every time poverty, unemployment or lack of service delivery is blamed on apartheid, the non-reasoning mass of followers go out to destroy the source of apartheid – the same white man who ended apartheid by majority vote in a referendum.

That is the reason for the brutality and sheer murderous barbarity of the attacks on elderly white South Africans. They are the symbol of apartheid and in the black reasoning, once they are destroyed, apartheid and all that went with it will magically disappear from the consciousness of humanity. Does it make any sense to you? No, didn’t think it would.

4) Passage of time is of no consequence – work never ends. The black South African calculates time by the rising and setting of the sun – he doesn’t mind to wait and he doesn’t mind to keep everybody else waiting. Yesterday, today and tomorrow is no different from each other and therefore he struggles with the Western concept of deadlines and achievements. If a minister wants to be three hours late for an important meeting, he doesn’t care…tomorrow we can have another meeting again.

5) Haste is a sign of bad manners for the black South African. Never hurry, spend time. And that coupled with the lack of ability to prioritise is futile in managing an economy and a state.

6) There is no interest in the future – future does not exist in the mind of the black South African. There is no provision made for the future because the concept of time, unlike the Western, does not measure past, present and future.

It only measures existence from birth to death. This incapability of providing for the future is the main reason why countries with black majority government never suffered disasters and famine under colonial rule, yet lately the West have to feed Africa constantly. That is why South Africa, for the first time in history, cannot provide enough food to feed itself, apart from the fact that our farmers are slaughtered like cattle of course.

7) Work is a defect. Work is done only to survive. It is much better to receive charity than to do something which is beneath your perceived dignity. Therefore thousands and hundreds of thousands black South Africans, in perfect health and capability, would rather sit at home and receive social benefits from the pockets of the white minority tax payers and the development aid from the western countries. This utopia of a country where government provides houses and meals and free education to a majority from the pockets of a small minority (one in ten, in fact) cannot survive much longer.

8) Competition is not tolerated in the black South African custom. You never challenge the authority or try and outwit him. It is bad manners. Therefore the black South African would happily sit in his shack of mud while Jacob Zuma builds himself a palace to the value of almost the entire amount of development aid given to South African by the UK. Competition is the cornerstone of Western systems. And the black man cannot adopt that, he can at most imitate that…for a while at least.

South Africa can therefore never be a country of unity. Not because the white man does not want to unite, but because the price of unity is his very existence…and that is too much to ask.

Over the next few days we will be posting a series of articles focussing on the fundamental irreconcilables between black and white South Africans.

By Daniel Lötter (Front National)

South Africa Today – South Africa News