Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena

Prepare for a clash of titans as South Africa’s premier pugilist and Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena, enters the ring at the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on March 8th. He will face the undefeated Australian heavyweight, Justis Huni (8-0-0), on the undercard of the Anthony Joshua vs Francis Nganou heavyweight fight.


Yet, Lerena’s demeanour and preparation for this international bout boasts a different kind of approach. With an impressive record of 30 wins and only 2 losses, he appears more focused, physically prepared, and more determined than ever before.

At 31, Lerena, who is dubbed the reigning monarch of the Bridgerweight division, currently holds the esteemed title of WBC Interim Bridgerweight Champion. The southpaw sensation is now poised to challenge the heavyweight ranks, driven by a hunger for glory and the opportunity to shine on the global stage – an athletic approach embodying the spirit of Under Armour athletes, who famously declare to, “Protect This House.”

Attributing his success to rigorous training and unwavering dedication, the Under Armour athlete maintains a humble perspective. “The only way he (Huni) can defeat me is if he proves superior on the day, in the ring,” Lerena explains. “There is no doubt in my mind that I have invested the time, effort, and training required to emerge victorious. It all boils down to the ten rounds and the two men who step into that ring, and I am ready for battle!”

With anticipation building for this monumental showdown, Lerena’s seasoned expertise and unwavering focus are set to collide with Huni’s youthful vigour in what promises to be a gruelling ten-round spectacle.

Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena
Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena

The Under Armour athlete shared the following pre-fight insights with us;

“As I prepare for the fight, one crucial aspect of my training regimen that I’ve dedicated myself to perfecting is enhancing my mobility and explosiveness, ensuring I’m primed to seize every opportunity in the ring.

“Throughout my training camp, spanning eight intense weeks, I’ve honed my skills and pushed my limits to prepare for the upcoming challenge.

“My recent training sessions with Tyson Fury in Saudi Arabia were invaluable, as two elite athletes pushed each other to new heights, undoubtedly paving the way for the upcoming fight and opening doors to greater opportunities.

“In regards to mental preparation, I am ready and tuned in. With tremendous support from other big prominent fighters who are in my corner, my mindset is solid. I am in the best condition possible and ready for the challenges that lie ahead.

“With the bout being on an international stage, the opportunity to showcase my skills at the pinnacle of competition is immensely gratifying, and I am relishing every moment, fully embracing the significance of the occasion.

“I am looking forward to the challenge. He’s a tough competitor, they rate him highly, but I believe in myself. I believe in myself and my team, and what I can do.” Kevin ends off.

Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena
Under Armour Athlete, Kevin Lerena

His opponent, 24-year-old Huni, brings his own impressive pedigree to the table. Hailing from Meadowbrook, Queensland; Huni, who is of Tongan descent, secured a bronze medal at the 2019 World Amateur Championships. Despite an untimely injury preventing him from representing Australia at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Huni has rapidly ascended the professional ranks, with a notable victory over former rugby league star Paul Gallen, whom he defeated in the tenth round of a bruising encounter.

When Lerena steps into the ring, and under the bright glare of the Saudi spotlights, it’s simply him against the world – and it may well be his experience that tips the scales in his favour when the judges make their decision. Behold the Under Armour athlete, radiant in all his glory.

Under Armour
Under Armour

The Kingdom Arena awaits. And, as Kevin sets sail abroad, he does so in style in the UA Unstoppable range, available both in-store and online.

Live on DAZN, the fight takes place on 8 March, in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.