The Best Tricks to Chill Out Dogs and Cats in Bad Weather

The Best Tricks to Chill Out Dogs and Cats in Bad Weather
The Best Tricks to Chill Out Dogs and Cats in Bad Weather. Image source: Pixabay

There are plenty of pets out there that are terribly frightened by storms. It just takes a bit of thunder or lightning, and many dogs and cats start shaking with storm-phobia. Regardless of their size, canines often hide in the corner, while many felines will simply refuse to leave your lap. You hear whining and panting, and furniture is even destroyed. Fortunately, there are three simple techniques to help pet owners prepare for storms, as well as aid canines and felines through nasty weather.

1 Prepare for the Worst

At the first sign of any danger looming outside, bring your furry buddy indoors. Keep an emergency kit with first aid supplies, along with medical records and prescription information for your pets. Never leave a dog or cat behind. But if one ever gets stuck inside, you can depend on a rescue pet alert sign on your window. It will inform emergency workers who may be trapped inside a burning or flooding home. A pet alert sign can literally be a lifesaver.

2 Create an Ideal Environment for Your Pet

As far as your pet is concerned, the worst part of a storm may be its loud noises. While simply being at home with your beloved fur ball during a storm can certainly benefit the situation, you can create a calm atmosphere with soothing music on the radio or television. Classical, reggae, and soft rock music tend to be the most effective. Chirping crickets and other sounds of Mother Nature are also known to work. Believe it or not, some cable companies even have pet TV channels. With the noise drowned out, you should find a safe place for your little critter, whether it is on the couch, a dog bed, or on top of the pillows in your room. Some dogs and cats feel more secure in their own crates. Make sure your puppies’ and kitties’ favorite toys are within reach, along with a snuggly blanket. Even one of your towels can provide a familiar scent for a pet. Closing all blinds and curtains protects your four-legged family member from the sight of any blizzards, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Decreasing sensory input of any kind can work wonders for restless dogs and cats.

3 Take Advantage of Powerful CBD Treats

The last trick for getting dogs and cats to remain calm during bad weather is by using the top CBD products for cats and dogs. Rather than prescription medications, you can rely on cannabidiols from the hemp plant. After all, CBD treats for pets lack enough THC to give an animal a euphoric high. In other words, giving one piece of the best CBD treats a day to dogs and cats is completely safe. They work wonders during everything from a lightning storm to 4th of July fireworks. At the same time, the best CBD products on the market today for cats and dogs are completely safe, as they are laboratory tested and made in the United States. You never want to buy any CBD product for dogs or cats that are produced with low-quality hemp oil. Thankfully, the top CBD products for pets are a blessing for everyone in the house when it is raining cats and dogs.