How to Walk Your Dog Safely at Night

When it comes to walking your dog, it might seem like it is no big deal to walk your dog at night. After all, dogs can see better than humans at night. Plus, if it is a familiar neighborhood, you might not mind walking your dog at night.

But there are many dangers a dog can be in when outside in the dark. From roadside accidents to dangers from other animals and humans, it is very important to be alert when walking dogs at night.

Here are some precautions every dog owner should take.

1. Use the walkway

While on a nighttime walk, you might think it’s OK to walk your dog on the road. After all, the dog is on a leash. It will not be that dangerous if you hold on to the leash. Right?

Wrong. Small dogs are nearly impossible to see in the dark by most passersby and drivers. As a result, this might cause a serious accident.

Always use the sidewalk when walking your dog at night. Do not leave the sidewalk, no matter how much your dog wants to go into the road.

Given how restless some dogs are, and that they sometimes try to escape from their leashes, it would be prudent to take a precautionary step. You could attach a spot headlamp on your dog’s collar. These headlamps are small but they radiate powerful lights. Attach the lamp to your dog’s collar so that drivers can see your dog properly at night. Drivers can then swerve to avoid hitting you or your dog.

2. Phones can be distracting

Carrying phones to make emergency calls, or to give updates about your location to loved ones while walking your dog in the dark, is necessary. You might even think about using your phone’s flashlight to find your way, but the light is a distraction.

Stay aware of your surroundings. Neglecting your dog in order to check social media messages, or to make quick texts, can cause your dog to escape with its leash.

Your dog might get lost and looking for it will become dangerous, if you do not have the proper equipment to see in the dark.

To avoid being distracted by your phone, use a bright flashlight for emergency situations. If equipped with an emergency flare mode, the flare light will be a faster way to attract the attention of people who are nearby if you and your pet are in danger.

3. Walking through woods

A nighttime walk through the woods is relaxing and strolling with your dog through those familiar trails might become an everyday routine. But woods are dangerous to both you and your dog.

Not only will you and your dog be in danger of attracting criminals, but you may also be attacked by animals living in the woods.

While using regular flashlights can help you find your way through the woods, small and specialized flashlights are more appropriate.

Easy-to-carry aluminum flashlights are durable against weather and dust, and their powerful light makes them perfect for venturing into the woods with your dog.

4. Temporary power supply

Even though point number 2 suggested avoiding being distracted by cell phones, not keeping one with you while out in the dark is risky. Unfortunately, at times, the phones run out of battery power.

Heavy phone users might find themselves running out of battery power at desperate times. The threat is doubled if you are out in the dark with your dog.

Not only will you be unable to call your loved ones, but you might also stray into unsafe areas with your dog.

Luckily, if you have a multipurpose flashlight, you can use it to temporarily charge your phone anytime, anywhere.

5. Avoid unlit areas

This precaution is the most obvious. No matter how familiar you are with certain areas, if they are unlit, or are darker than the other areas you know, then avoid them.

Wandering off into dark alleys or woods with your dog at night is fraught with danger. Even if your dog can see in the dark better than you can, your dog will probably not be able to protect you in the event of possible muggers, or worse.

If you face a sudden blackout, even when you are walking through a well-lit street, or you cannot avoid an unlit alley, use a penlight.

Such light is small and convenient, unlike heavy flashlights; but they give off as much light as regular flashlights, making them the go-to equipment to have with you when you are out walking your dog.

Final Thoughts

Hope this article will help you get over your fear of walking your dog at night. Always be careful when you go as nighttime brings in more dangers than when the sun is out.

But with a little caution and sufficient preparation, you will not only be safe but enjoy your nighttime jog and strolls with your furry friend.

Author Bio:
Angie Grey, an expert author from brings you all you need to know about fashion and grooming. She loves the outdoors and travels the world like a nomad.