Do You Want to Get a Horse? Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Your Horses Thriving and Healthy

Do You Want to Get a Horse? Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Your Horses Thriving and Healthy

Becoming a pet owner is a great privilege that comes with numerous responsibilities. All around the world, man has always shared a special bond with animals. According to the National Pet Owners survey conducted in 2007 by the American Pet Products Manufacturers’ Association, horses are among the most common pets with about 13.8 million of them being owned in the US alone. So, if you have been thinking about getting a new horse for your home ranch, then this is the right place to be. Here are 5 ways to keep your horse healthy and thriving.

  1. Proper diet and nutrition

Just like any other pets, proper diet is an essential part of a horse’s growth and development. You should research on where to find the best quality feeds and supplements which will ensure that your horse is in good health. In case you see signs of malnourishment, be sure to contact your veterinary doctor right away and they will be able to advise you on the best way to improve your horse’s diet in order to keep them in optimal health.

  1. Living conditions

Just like humans, horses prefer to live in a clean and comfortable environment. Since a horse is a large domestic pet, it is important to provide your horse with enough space to lay down and rest. Ensure that the stable is cleaned regularly and also don’t forget to properly maintain your horse arena. Having a proper footing on your horse arena will create a more comfortable environment for you and your horse. If you truly love your horse, then you will invest in high-quality footing such as Airfoot. This is a type of horse arena footing that is made from grinding rejected high-performance athletic shoes in order to produce an amazing blend that is mostly rubber with some fibers. This creates the perfect spring-like effect which will make your horse riding experience much more comfortable and safe.

  1. Grooming

Grooming your horse is an important affair that requires dedication and patience. Your horse’s skin is quite delicate, so you should always use the best quality brushes and clippers. In addition, you should also remember to clean your horse’s hooves since this is a common place where dirt accumulates. When bathing your horse, ensure that you are using a suitable shampoo and conditioner that are specifically formulated for your horse’s coat.

  1. Good health

In order to avoid diseases and fatal conditions, it is important for you to keep a close eye on your horse’s health by observing their behavior. For instance, if your horse is uncharacteristically tired or agitated, then this could be a sign that they are unwell. Be sure to contact your local veterinary when you experience any challenges concerning your horse’s health.

  1. Create an emotional bond

Similar to human relationships, you will need to spend quality time with your horse in order to form an emotional connection. Animals are capable of experiencing emotions, so you need to be very careful about how you treat your beloved pet. Be sure to spend a lot of time grooming them and riding them while gently providing instructions and positive reinforcements. Over time, you will be able to experience an amazing bond that will last for a long time.