A personal loan is generally over a period of 6 – 72 months and an amount up to R150,000. A personal loan is unsecured, meaning your home and vehicle cannot be sold if you the debt is not repaid.
Personal loans cater for things such as home improvements or repairs, education, purchasing a vehicle or consolidating loans. Personal loans can be a blessing or a curse if not used for the intended purpose for the mere fact that they are a long-term and require long-term commitments.
What does to take to be approved for a personal loan? The 3 basic requirements to be qualified for a personal loan are number 1. Be permanently employed, 2. Have a valid South African ID and 3. Be able to provide a 3 months bank statement or your latest payslip. There are other factors such as affordability which play a part in the loan decisions as one would need to be able to show that the personal loan can be repaid once borrowed.
What to know about personal loans is that it is always wise to have a sound reason for taking out a loan and for much thought and planning to go behind spending the money. Once this is in place we can help you towards your dream with our tailored personal loan options.
Apply online www.moneymouse.co.za