8 Helpful Ways to Avoid Road Accident

8 Helpful Ways to Avoid Road Accident
8 Helpful Ways to Avoid Road Accident. IMAGE SOURCE: https://unsplash.com/photos/mHrc8ydLg3c

For many people, driving is a necessity. It provides a method for many people to get to work, school, the store, and various other destinations they need to go. Unfortunately, driving can be a very dangerous endeavor. There are nearly 6 million car accidents every year in the U.S. However, most drivers can avoid many of these accidents by following some simple tips. Although it is impossible to control the other drivers on the road, it is possible to take steps to avoid many situations that can cause an accident.

Properly maintain your vehicle

One method for avoiding accidents on the road is to ensure your vehicle is properly maintained and everything is in good working order. Most people understand that if their brakes are failing, they may not be able to stop properly. This can cause a serious accident. It is also important to ensure tires have proper tread and in good condition. Worn tires can make it difficult to navigate through wet or icy roads. A damaged tire can render a vehicle uncontrollable. Even engine issues can pose serious risks on the roadways. If the car stalls or have other issues, it can become a hazard for other drivers. It is also important to ensure all the lights on the vehicle are working properly to ensure other drivers see you.

Follow the rules and laws of the road

Various laws and rules are put into effect on roadways to help keep traffic flowing in a safe manner. Speed limit laws are designed to keep drivers at safe speeds for the particular road and area. Some areas may have lower speed limits due to sudden changes or curves in the road. Others may be set due to potential risks of children or pedestrians in the road in many residential areas. Stop signs and streetlights are also important to ensure traffic flows at a safe rate. These lights and stop signs help drivers know who has the right of way when reaching an intersection.

IMAGE SOURCE: https://unsplash.com/photos/LbATUWEdrPk

Maintain a safe distance behind the car in front of you

When following another car, it can be tempting to get close to their bumper, especially when they are driving slowly. However, a vehicle cannot stop on a dime. The weight and speed of a vehicle require some distance for a complete stop. If you are following closely behind a vehicle and they stop suddenly, no amount of reflexes will stop your vehicle in time. This is why it is important to stay a safe distance behind the next vehicle. Some suggest staying back a car length for every ten miles, others suggest the three second rule behind the driver in front of you. This space gives your vehicle enough time to stop if the car ahead has to stop suddenly.

Stay focused on the road

Driving is a great responsibility that requires your undivided attention. The vehicle in front of you can stop quickly or a pedestrian can step out into the crosswalk. There are a variety of changes and hazards that can occur quickly while driving. If you are not watching the road, you will not see these things occur. If you do not see these things, you cannot react in time to avoid them. While driving, it is important to keep a focus on the road ahead and only divert attention to check mirrors or gauges on the vehicle. Even changing the radio station can be a distraction that causes a serious accident.

IMAGE SOURCE: https://unsplash.com/photos/8e2gal_GIE8

Avoid mobile phone usage

As stated above, it is absolutely necessary to keep your eyes on the road. Unfortunately, many people find it necessary to use their cellphone while they drive. Even just talking on the phone can be enough of a distraction that prevents the person from reacting in time. More recently, people have begun texting while driving. This requires more attention away from the road. The average text takes at least five seconds to type out. When driving at 55 mph, it only takes five seconds for a vehicle to drive the length of a football field. That is a far distance to drive without looking. No rational person would drive that far with their eyes closed, yet they will read and type a text message.

Distracted driving has become a serious issue on the roadways. Distracted driving makes up nearly 16 % of all fatal crashes. Often, people feel that they are excluded from the laws surrounding distracted driving. Many people feel that they are just better drivers and can handle the distraction. Unfortunately, even the most experienced driver cannot avoid an accident when they do not see the hazard in front of them. Mr. Johnson from Johnson Law Firm says that distracted driving has become a bigger danger than ever before, with over 3,500 deaths. It can cause costly property damage and severe injuries, all because the person chose to drive irresponsibly and not pay attention to the road. These types of accidents are completely avoidable.

Watch for cars that run red lights

Although it is important to stop at a red light, many people attempt to avoid this at all costs. As a light change from green to red, it gives a yellow warning signal to drivers so that they can slow down before the light changes. Unfortunately, many people hit the gas when the light changes to yellow. Sometimes, the light is fully red before they reach the intersection. When the other side gets a green light, those rushing through the red light can cause a serious accident. Waiting three seconds after a light turns green can help you avoid those who run through the red light.

IMAGE SOURCE: https://pixabay.com/photos/adult-automobile-automotive-blur-1869397/

Ignore aggressive drivers

There are people that get upset and angry when others do not drive the way they think they should. Drivers will tailgate, flash their lights, blow their horn, or even yell out their window when they become angry at another driver. It is important that you ignore this aggressive behavior. It is important that you do not change your driving due to their behavior. Speeding up to make them happy can put you at risk of an accident. If the other driver is being overly aggressive, it may be a good idea to contact local authorities.

Never drive under the influence

Consuming alcohol or taking drugs can alter your ability to think clearly, as well as your ability to react. It is also illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is because it is very dangerous and is largely responsible for many accidents, injuries, and even deaths on the roadway. It is estimated that a person dies every 50 minutes due to an alcohol-related crash. If you are drinking or using drugs, opt for a taxi or ride-sharing service. Even if you are taking new prescription medications that cause drowsiness or other altered states, it is better to avoid driving. You could save a life.

It is very difficult to avoid every potential accident on the roadways. However, if every driver works hard to follow these tips, car accidents can be greatly reduced. The most important thing to remember when driving a vehicle is that you are sharing the road with many other people. It is important to be courteous and careful throughout your drive.