Is It Beneficial to Take a Short Break From Social Media?

Is It Beneficial to Take a Short Break From Social Media?
Is It Beneficial to Take a Short Break From Social Media? Image source: Pixabay

Social media can be a great tool to help your business succeed. However, if you spend too much time on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or if you’ve noticed that it’s affecting your work-life balance, now might be the right time to give yourself a break.

We glean a lot of information from social media. We can find out the current news, the weather forecast, or find a common stock dividend calculator. Social media can usually give us the answers to any questions we have. Is it taking up too much of our time? Do we rely on it too much? Read on for more information.

Get Rid of All Reminders

You can get rid of all reminders by turning off notifications and changing your routine so you don’t go to social media when you usually do. You should also use a physical reminder to help you remember to stay off social media, such as putting a post-it note on your computer screen or desktop with “stay off social media.”

If it’s too difficult for you to remember not to go on social media by yourself, then make it easier for yourself by setting up a recurring reminder in your calendar to pop up every day, reminding you not to check Instagram after work. If necessary, use an app like Moment or Freedom that blocks specific apps from being accessed on phones during certain times (for example, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.).

Make a Change to Your Routine

One way to get yourself off social media is by doing something new. If you’re used to scrolling through your feed, try walking around the block. Or maybe even go outside instead of staying inside. You can also try meditating for 10 minutes every day or doing yoga for 30 minutes each week.

Get Into a New Habit

There are a few ways to go about this. First, you need to know that it takes 21 days for a habit to form. So, you might feel like you’re not making progress if you don’t see results right away. Start small and work your way up slowly.

In addition, try making your new habit simultaneously every day—it just makes things easier when it comes to making progress toward forming the pattern. You can even make things easier by researching unrelated concepts such as common cryptocurrency scams or how Bitcoin transactions work.

Promote Your New Habit

  • Tell your friends and family about your new habit
  • Share your goals on social media
  • Make a blog post about it
  • Share your progress as you go along, using apps or online tools to track your progress

Add Things to Do in Place of Social Media

  • Make a list of activities you’ve meant to do but haven’t had time for
  • Also, add activities that you are enjoying
  • Next, add some activities that will be beneficial, such as learning new skills or working on projects. For example, if you love investing in stock, research on a stock dividend calculator would be an excellent alternative to social media
  • Adding things to do in place of social media can also help you achieve your goals, such as getting into better shape and being more productive

Define the Benefits You’ll Get From Giving Yourself a Break

Before starting your break, define the benefits you’ll get from it. Here are some of the benefits to expect.

  • Reclaim your time
  • You’ll feel less overwhelmed
  • You’ll make time for healthier habits
  • You’ll sleep better at night
  • You’ll feel a lot more motivated to do other things you love
  • be sure to read more on how taking a break from social media improves mental health

It’s easy to keep scrolling through social media without realizing that you’re taking time away from doing something else, so start with a small break and build up slowly. If it helps keep your mind off checking social media sites during breaks from work or school (or even during your lunch break), consider increasing other activities and hobbies during those times instead—such as reading books or exercising outside.