Old Home Foundation Issues and Solutions

Old Home Foundation Issues and Solutions
Old Home Foundation Issues and Solutions. Image source: Pixabay

Many people invest money in old homes. They like vintage and Victorian-style homes. As soon as they start living in these homes, they realize many structural damages from the crack on the wall to uneven basement floors. It’s time to know all about everyday problems found in old home foundations alongside their solutions.

Old Home Foundation Problems

When a home is almost 30 years old, it experiences a lot of wear and tear. The chimney starts tilting, and walls have cracks, floors become uneven, and ceilings are saggy. However, many buyers of old homes have a clear idea that they need to spend money on remodeling. But if the foundation of a home is damaged, the overall structural repair is quite costly unless you find the best foundation repair Indianapolis services.

Many structural changes happen in old homes over the years. The age of a home is the primary factor contributing to different damage signs appearing on walls, floors, and other areas. Structural damage above ground has a quick solution. However, when a home has damaged piers, then push pier installation will be time-consuming.

Old Home Foundation Repair Solutions

Always hire the best structural wall repair company in Indianapolis that inspects your problem and provides you with the best solution for it. If walls have only cracks, then epoxy or polyurethane injections fill the gap and restore construction bonds. A basement bowing wall only requires a set up of wall anchors, while helical piers are used to stabilize old home foundations.

Waterproofing Basement

Old homes have leaky plumbing pipes. It’s a common problem that a team of technicians will solve with the help of a plumber. First, they identify the water source and then waterproof the whole basement. The reason for getting Indianapolis waterproofing services is that it will keep your home foundation intact.

In simple words, when your home basement will remain dry, you won’t have to experience structural issues anymore. Waterproofing services include encapsulation, sealant system, vapor barrier, and sump pump installation. You should pick service as per your home requirement.

What Happens During Foundation Repair?

If your old home requires in-depth repair installing new piers, then here is a complete process for your understanding. First, an expert technician will dig small holes next to your foundation. This exterior excavation is part of the repair plan. The depth, location, and quantity of holes are pre-determined by experts. They review the root problem and then make a perfect excavation plan.

After excavation, your old home foundation beams will be exposed. As soil is removed, the surface now has concrete. Skilled artisans make concrete surfaces smooth and even be used for the proper load transfer process.

The next step is to install the pier. The installation process depends on an underpinning product. No matter what kind of pier is used by foundation repair service in Indianapolis, its primary purpose is to lift your home foundation. Once piers are installed, hydraulic jacks are set over each pier bracket so that the project supervisor can level up the foundation to its existing place.