How to Clear a Badly Blocked Drain

Is your home plumbing system blocked? Clogging of kitchen sinks, bathroom outlet, or toilet is a common phenomenon in every home. When the drain has clogged, you will notice water pooling around the sink or bathroom outlet with an unpleasant odor. That will make you nervous and uncomfortable when using the kitchen sink, toilet, or bathroom. In most cases, the clog is due to debris such as food particles, grease, hair, and dirt deposits.

Drain cleaning is essential in your home’s plumbing system even when you don’t notice any blockage. By doing so, you will be preventing your drainage system from clogging without notice. To help you learn more about cleaning a badly clogged drain, here are various techniques.

Ways of Cleaning a Blocked Drainage System

The following are various methods you can use to clean a blocked drain effectively. These techniques are subject to the cause of the drain blocking. Therefore, read every way thoroughly before applying it on your clogged drain.

Boiling Water

If you notice that your drainage is blocked due to grease, toiletries, or conditioner, then the best way is to use boiling water. This will melt the substances and allow a seamless flow of water in the drainage system. You need to be cautious when using this method, as it may damage your plumbing system. For example, if your drain is made of PVC pipes, then the boiling water may loosen the joints leading to spillage.

Also, porcelain kitchen or bathroom sinks don’t pour the hot water directly, leading to the bowl cracking. Ensure you pour the boiling water straight into the drain. You can always repeat this technique twice or thrice to ensure the system is completely cleared.


This is one of the common ways most people use to unclog their drains. But do you know that plungers come in various designs and sizes? Yeah! You can buy a hand plunger which you can use on any sink around your home. Next is the toilet plunger, whose work is to remove paper toiletries blocking the drain. Finally, a D.T. plunger is used to unblock floor wastes and dis-connector traps.


A hydro jet produces a strong torrent of water in your drain to clear the blockages. It uses high pressure, which ensures that no material disrupts drainage flow. According to many experts, the use of a hydro jet is safer for your drainage system. However, the only issue with this method is that it’s not capable of removing dense debris.

Natural Cleaner (Baking Soda and Vinegar)

There are different natural cleaners, but a mixture of baking soda and vinegar is what you should consider. What you need to do is to mix one-third of baking soda and vinegar. Without hesitation, pour the mixture down the drain. As the baking soda and vinegar are fizzing, it will remove any particle such as hair, food crumbs, or grease blocking the drain. Wait for an hour or more before you can flush the drain with hot water.

Drain Snake

Also known as the snake, this is an effective way of cleaning a badly clogged drain. You can either use a DIY drain snake or a plumbing drain snake. That will depend on your choice. For a DIY drain snake, you need a metal wire (it must be long enough and thin to enter the drain). Direct it down the drain and remove blockages, especially hair.

Caustic Cleaning Fluids

The use of acidic cleaners is simple and preferred by many people. You need to visit your local supermarket and purchase chemicals like Mo-flo, which consists of sulfuric acid. Such a cleaner liquifies blockages such as napkins, hair, rags, grease, cloth, paper, soap sludge, and food particles. The best thing about using caustic cleaners is that you can use it in any drainage system. When using such corrosive substances, you need to cautious and use small amounts to prevent endangering the environment.

Note: As you use this method, wear a face mask and gloves to cover your hands. This will guard you against any harm in case of an accident.


This is the last resort when the drain is not unclogging. When it comes to excavation, you require an expert to help you out. This means you need to dig around your drainage system to identify which section of the system is completely blocked. This will help you repair or replace the pipe to allow normal water flow and waste down the drain. But before applying this technique, you need to exhaust the above methods first.


Overflowing, lousy odor, slow draining, and gurgling sounds are all signs of a blocked drain. If you notice one of these signs don’t wait. Use one of the above drain cleaning methods and restore the normal flow of water and waste.