7 Ways to Getting Rid Of Damp Smell from Your Basement

7 Ways to Getting Rid Of Damp Smell from Your Basement
7 Ways to Getting Rid Of Damp Smell from Your Basement. Image source: Pixabay

Basements and musty smell go hand in hand. Ask any homemaker and she would by default say that she is fed up with the dampness of her basement. And dehumidifiers do not come cheap! So if you are done with trying all the conventional ways to get rid of the odor, we have 7 tried and tested ways to make your basement smell garden fresh.

Let’s have a look:

  1. Add exhaust fans: The ultimate culprit of the damp room is inadequate air and sunlight. While you cannot bring sunlight to the basement, you can do something about the air. Add exhaust fans that open to the ground and keep it running always. While it may increase your electricity bill, it will keep the air circulating throughout the room.
  2. Remove all moist things: Dampness paves the way to mold growth. It can be life-threatening to those who are allergic to mold spores. Also, it contributes to the dank smell. Mold thrives on 3 things: organic content, moisture, and air. The best way to prevent mold growth is to remove all the organic things from the basement. Leak-proof all the plumbing. Ensure that the area around the basement does not have an open sewer. In the first step, we have already suggested exhaust fans that will pump fresh air into the room. You can also make the basement waterproof by using expert advice from kelderdichting Target.
  3. Pay attention to flooring: It is the part that is most neglected. People tend to add a wooden floor or carpet on the basement floor. This is home to moisture. Always go for cement flooring or marbles or tiles. They act as a barrier between the ground moisture and the upper surface. Also, they are easier to clean. Even if you spill some water on the floor, you do not need to vacuum dry it. Just mop it and the wetness is gone.
  4. Place bowls of charcoal: Activated charcoal is an excellent odor-absorbent. Place a few bowls filled with charcoal in different corners of the basement. It will absorb the smell. Be attentive to replace it every week.
  5. Boil water with lemon wedges and cinnamon stick: If you want some quick remedy with minimum expense, this is the perfect solution. Bring your stove down, put the pan and boil water on it. Put a generous number of lemon wedges, some cinnamon sticks and a few drops of essential oil. While lemon and cinnamon tick are natural deodorizers, the essential oil will add a nice aroma to the room.
  6. Use bowls of chalk powder: Like charcoal, chalk powder is also an odor-absorbent. You can place the powder or whole chalks in small containers all through the room. Alternatively, be a little creative and make decorative cloth pouches filled with chalk powder. Hand them in the room.
  7. Baking soda: All said and done, baking soda is the ultimate solution. Sprinkle it throughout the room and leave it for 1-2 hours. Vacuum it afterward and tada! The room smells fresh as a daisy!


Basements are the storeroom, game room, gym room, and the emergency guest room. But it’s stinginess can turn you off. Do let us know which method you used to make your basement smell clean and fresh.