Why Smile – Impact of Smile and Health Benefits of Smiling

Why Smile – Impact of Smile and Health Benefits of Smiling
Why Smile – Impact of Smile and Health Benefits of Smiling

Your smile says a lot about you more than you might think. In fact, there’s a whole science behind the act of smiling. A smile has an impact on not only you but also those around you. Some people get uncomfortable smiling around others. They may cover their mouth or look down when smiling or avoid smiling at all.

This is could be caused by the presence of crooked or stained teeth or having stale breath. Such people avoid face-to-face interactions, especially if someone has highlighted the state of their mouth before. As kids, they may avoid speaking up in class or participating in presentations. This could easily extend into their adulthood where they are unable to participate in meetings or network with others.

Smiling has a great impact on people’s lives. It’s normally one of the first things that people notice. If genuine, it can make you look more attractive, trustworthy, likable, and intelligent. This imprints a good first impression in people’s minds. We all know that first impressions are hard to change. Smiling can also trick your brain into thinking you’re happier.

Below are 8 health benefits of smiling:

  1. Lowers anxiety and stress levels

A 2015 study found that subjects who go through stressful situations with a smile tend to experience lower heart rates compared to those who don’t. High-stress levels normally lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate. When you smile, your brain is tricked into thinking that you’re actually happier than you really are. This provides both physical and psychological health benefits.

  1. Improves mood

Smiling is one of the most effective ways to boost your mood when having a bad day. It’s a highly effective method for people suffering from depression and anxiety. A study carried out in 2010 found out that smiling when you’re feeling moody or down can help pump some positivity into your brain. This then gets you into a good mood that eventually leads to a genuine smile.

  1. Strengthens immunity

Laughter, which normally begins with a smile, helps to boost the body’s immunity. Various studies have found that smiling and laughing stimulates the release of brain molecules that fight illnesses and stress. The same studies have also shown that having a bad mood and negative thoughts lowers your immunity. Women who have just conceived are highly advised to undergo laughter therapy as it’s highly beneficial for their immune system.

  1. Improves relationships

Most people are easily drawn to people that smile a lot. This is because those who smile a lot are assumed to be more likable than those who don’t. Being likeable means that you’re able to build better relationships with people. These are critical for overall body health and well-being. A study that was carried out in 2010 found that those with positive emotions have better interpersonal skills and more stable marriages. A smile is a great way to build healthier and stronger social bonds.

  1. Relieves pain

Research has shown that laughter causes the brain to release natural painkillers. A 2012 study showed that social laughter helps to increase the body’s pain threshold, which then improves your pain tolerance. If you’re experiencing pain due to a disease, injury or illness, consider spending time with people that make you laugh or watching funny videos online. It also helps to release endorphins which tend to make you feel happier. This could help shift your mind from your painful situation.

  1. Makes you more active

Studies have shown that smiling often at your workplace can improve your overall productivity. This is because it helps you to become positive and develop a better mindset. As a result, you are more motivated to do things and maintain your state of happiness. The same studies have also shown that negative emotions have an effect opposite to that caused by having positive emotions. You’re likely to lose morale in whatever you’re doing, hence, reducing your productivity.

  1. Makes you look younger

A study carried out in 2012 found that positive emotions and smiling contribute to increased lifespan. The secret to your fountain of youth might be lying just under your nose. The study found that on average, you can look up to 3 years younger if you smile often. Smiling helps to eliminate any frowning lines and to lift your face naturally.

  1. Smiling is contagious

You’ve probably found yourself smiling back at friends, colleagues, or even strangers that smile at you. Research has shown that human beings possess mirror neurons which help us to imitate certain actions that are performed by others. Such actions include smiling. These neurons also help to stimulate the feelings that come with the action. In this case, smiling makes us happier. ApertureDental.com.au highly recommends smiling more often, and whenever you get a chance, smile at a friend or stranger to spread positive emotions.