Ways to achieve a work-life balance

Ways to achieve a work-life balance
Ways to achieve a work-life balance

Even at the best of times, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a challenge, but it becomes even more difficult during times of economic stagnation and uncertainty.

Due to the Great Recession and the subsequent layoffs and cuts, many companies implemented longer working hours, increasing employee pressure. Fearful of losing their jobs, workers made it their mission to prove their worth as team members.

Therefore, the line between work and home has blurred due to the proliferation of portable electronic devices. The days when leaving the office or shop meant leaving work behind are gone. Employees can communicate around the clock with their supervisors, coworkers, and customers.

Due to increased workloads and technology that keeps us constantly connected to our jobs, an increasing number of workers feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and depleted. In 2006 according to a Corporate Executive Board (CEB) report, 53% of employees felt they had a good work-life balance. That number fell to 30% in the first quarter of 2019, the CEB reported. 

Studies have shown that those who are most productive are well-rounded professionals with fulfilling personal lives both inside and outside of the workplace. Similarly, the most successful companies promote employee health and well-being while fostering a collaborative environment.

Nowadays, work-life balance ranks second only to compensation as one of the most important workplace attributes, and workers who feel they have a better work-life balance tend to work 21% harder than employees who feel overworked.

Steps to a Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance means balancing our professional and personal lives in a sustainable manner that keeps our energy flowing, our minds and bodies healthy, and our whole selves happy and content.

In other words, it means to give due attention to all the things that enrich and fulfill us, including work and career, health and fitness, family and relationships, spirituality, community service, hobbies and passions, intellectual stimulation, rest and recreation.

1. Time tracking 

The path to a balanced life begins with an analysis of your current situation. Log all of your activities for a week, including personal and professional ones. You will gain a better understanding of how you spend your time, as well as where it is being wasted.

2. Setting goals

Defining concrete, measurable goals from your list of priorities is key. Schedule time for activities as you would for a meeting or a doctor’s appointment.

3. Establishing Boundaries

Establish realistic limits on what you will and will not do, both at work and at home.

Make sure your supervisor, coworkers, partners, and family are aware of these boundaries. It might be a good idea to avoid working late on certain days unless a crisis occurs. Also, make a point of not checking or responding to work-related emails or voicemails at home during this time.

4. Determining Priorities

You can then analyze your time audit by asking yourself these key questions: What should I start doing? What should I stop doing? What should I continue doing? What should I do more of?

5. Schedule like a boss

People who are successful plan their work and then execute it. A single date planner is enough for your entire life. It is by means of this tool that your priorities and goals can become a reality, whether paper or electronic. Plan your tasks and activities for the day and evening ahead by spending 10 to 20 minutes at the beginning of each day (or the night before).

6. Take Care of Your Health

Your health should always be your top priority. Both your work life and your personal life will suffer if you are not in good physical, mental, and emotional shape. Eat healthy meals (especially breakfast), exercise at least three times a week, and get at least seven hours of sleep each night. 

Although you may think you do not have the time to add exercise or extra sleep to your already hectic schedule, these practices will help you reduce stress, increase energy, and improve stamina. Additionally, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs to reduce stress.


In the modern era, work-life balance is something that is increasingly difficult to achieve. Technology and the rise of social media have made our attempts at achieving it even less hopeful. I hope that the above 6 tips will help you get that little bit closer to a desirable work-life balance.