North West wages war against drugs with new substance abuse treatment center called Narconon

North West wages war against drugs with new substance abuse treatment center called Narconon
North West wages war against drugs with new substance abuse treatment center called Narconon

At the threshold of the New Year, a new drug and substance treatment center opened its doors in grand style in Rustenburg, North West. The center, known as Narconon, offers drug free withdrawal, new life detoxification and goes above and beyond by offering life skills development, social and spiritual support and extensive aftercare to those who have struggled with addiction. The opening of this new substance abuse rehabilitation center brings hope to the many plagued by the deadly effects of drug dependency and abuse.

The grand opening of the new Narconon – which means No Narcortics – in Rustenburg, was celebrated by more than 1,600 guests and dignitaries, including member of the North West local government, Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Social Development, BRICS representatives, Religious Leaders, local celebrities and more to celebrate this new center to battle the pandemic of drug consumption and abuse.

This one of a kind center pushes beyond the ordinary rehabilitation process. In addition to ridding the user of the residues of drugs and urges, the treatment center also has skills development classes that empower the former users to cope with life on the outside once they graduate. They are provided with practical tools that address the source of their drug use and how to overcome the trigger points in their environment.

Drug consumption in South Africa is twice the world norm with 15% of South Africa’s population suffering from direct abuse. According to SAPS figures, 60 percent of crimes nationally are related to substance abuse. South Africa has been dubbed as one of the drug capitals of the world by the United Nations. Opening this Narconon center in Rustenberg is one of the many steps needed to alleviate this life threating issue in our country.

In 2021, the former head of National Disaster Management described the drug crisis in South Africa as a National Disaster. Millions of South African youth are under the deathly grips of drugs and battle their addictions daily with too many losing their lives.

The CEO of SASSA, Ms. Busisiwe Totsie Memela, one of the guest speakers, was overjoyed with tears as she detailed her first hand encounter with the violent consequences of drugs in her address to the guests present. She said “I am passionate about effective workable solution to combat drug addiction, I have seen firsthand what drugs do to a family unit and I don’t want any family to experience that. This center represents hope to the millions of families out there struggling with this nationwide pandemic.”

Also speaking was the Head of Community Services in the National South African Local Government Association, Ms. Nozibele Makhanda who said:

“I believe that Narconon will lead the way in the movement to free the people of South Africa from addiction and thereafter help to reintegrate them back into society so they can contribute to the combined effort to uplift South Africa”.

Eugene Ngoetjana from the BRICS Alliance expressed his pride in Narconon providing this vital service not only to the nation but to neighboring countries of Africa as well. He said “Narconon means less kids on drugs and less money falling into the wrong hands that perpetuate this vicious cycle of addiction”.

Thamsanqa Maqubela, the founder and CEO of the South African Council of Graduates also addressed the crowd and said, “It is up to us to work together to create a better future for our country. Drugs are a big problem in society and it is an honor to be part of this opening that is a direct declaration of war against this enemy that is destroying our country”.

Lastly, Bishop Thabo Mapela, the Deputy President of the South African Christian Ministers Council also stated, “Yes, Narconon will reverse the spiritual decline and drug abuse in society. It gives people their spirituality and their belief in God back and it will bring back Ubuntu. We need to be our brother’s keepers. What is important is that we heal the world and this is one of the ways we can do it.”

The facility sits on over 200 acres of game land with an impressive collection of over 200 different animals ranging from giraffes to zebras.  It aims to cater for the entire continent and even comes equipped with training facilities for other rehabs who are interested in adopting the workable methods of Narconon.  The treatment center, located in the platinum center of the world, Rustenburg, is part of a global force dedicated to washing away the scourge of addiction.

The programme is a global leader in drug and alcohol rehabilitation due to its heavy attention on social and spiritual support, skills development and aftercare.  For nearly 50 years, the Narconon program has offered a drug-free method to recovery effectively. The program not only addresses the mental and physical destruction brought about by drug abuse; it also addresses the reasons why an individual turned to drugs in the first place. Tens of thousands of Narconon program graduates globally have gone on to lead drug-free, productive lives. Now it is time for South Africans to benefit.

Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, the center brings a global network of expertise in the field of rehabilitation and drug education. The opening of this facility brings hope to the many families affected by drug abuse in Rustenburg and in South Africa.
