Most Common Contagious Skin infections & How to Stay in a Safe Zone!

Most Common Contagious Skin infections & How to Stay in a Safe Zone!
Most Common Contagious Skin infections & How to Stay in a Safe Zone!

Do you find any rash, mark, bump or a lesion on your skin? If yes, leaving it as such will be something you will pay for! Contagious skin diseases are the hardest thing to get rid of off! While some disappear on their own, some take a long time to get cured.

Keeping our skin protected is not always possible. We start our day holding the subway handrails while traveling and exchange several handshakes with our counterparts during the day.

So, do not curse yourself for catching a random microbial skin infection. The next best step you can take is to not let it spread to other parts of the skin and take every possible chance to heal it as soon as possible. 

This convinces us to strictly follow one proverb – “Prevention is always better than cure.” Here is a list of contagious skin diseases to bring awareness and to help you live in a safe zone. 

1) Genital Warts 

Genital warts are caused due to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that is most common to occur after sexual intercourse (with a person who has already been affected by the virus). 

Genital warts can be so dangerous; they may also lead to several types of cancers related to the reproductive organs if they are left untreated. 

It is surprising to know that people who smoke are also at a higher risk of developing genital warts but much research is still needed to confirm this. 

Sadly, an infected mother can also pass the virus to her baby but only in some rare cases.

Getting yourself vaccinated against HPV can prevent genital warts. 

Get to know about different types of warts and some natural home remedies to treat them. 

2) Ringworm 

Ringworm, as the name indicates, is not caused due to any kind of a worm but is a fungal skin infection that leaves a rash (that appears like a ring) on the infected area. 

Athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, and nail infection are all different types of ringworms that occur in different areas of the skin such as groin, palms, soles, and nails. 

People who live in tropical areas or the ones who reside in areas with high humidity are at a higher risk. Other than these, sharing infected towels, hairbrushes, razors, getting in touch with ringworm infected pets, profuse sweating and health conditions like obesity and diabetes, are some other risk factors.

If you have already developed ringworm on one part of the skin, wash your hands after touching it to prevent the spread to other parts of the skin. 

Change your clothes after a long day and wash the clothes thoroughly before you put on them the next time. 

Get to know some more natural methods to get rid of ringworm here.  

3) Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagious is the most common viral infection which shows up in the form of bumps that can easily spread from one person to the other. 

The bumps appear pearly and waxy which may or may not be itchy. They can also appear pink and fleshy. Avoid itching the bumps to prevent the spread to other areas of skin. 

Sharing towels, brushes or any other accessories that are infected with the virus causes the virus to spread. Avoid getting into swimming pools and stay away from crowdy places. 

Make sure your salon has good hygienic maintenance and keep cleansing your hands after every salon visit. 

For someone with a weaker immune system, the bumps may take a longer time to heal. One can get the bumps removed at the initial stages while they are non-infectious. 

4) Oral Thrush 

Thrush is a common fungal skin infection that occurs due to a fungus named Candida. Thrush is identified by the appearance of white-colored lesions either on the tongue or inside the mouth (inner parts of the cheeks). 

Other symptoms that make the thrush identification easier are cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth, bleeding of the lesions on scratching. 

It is surprising to know that the fungus is already present in our body but is triggered due to certain factors like medications and health conditions, including stress.

Using dentures that don’t fit properly, frequent smoking and a weaker immune system are some other causes of thrush.

Maintaining proper dental hygiene, using dentures that fit perfectly, keeping your immune system strong are some best ways to prevent oral thrush. 

Tips to prevent skin infections:

  • Wash and cleanse your hands at regular intervals
  • Have a shower with lukewarm water, twice in a day 
  • Stay away from chemicals and detergents that trigger allergies 
  • Keep your immune system strong 
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water in a day
  • Avoid sharing towels, combs, brushes or other accessories
  • Do not scratch the already infected area 
  • Always keep your skin dry and clean 
  • Avoid overly crowded public places