Get Healthier Hair: 8 Tips for Men’s Hair Care

For most men, a shiny and dandruff-free hair is an essential part of the overall look. Your hair and scalp need proper maintenance for you to get a healthy looking hair. Thus using products, creating hairstyles, and hair cutting are some ways to show TLC to it.

Your hair and scalp need proper care and attention to avoid irritating problems such as dandruff and hair fall. Having a healthy looking hair every day would add an extra boost for your confidence. Hence, follow these tips to get healthier hair.

Avoid Overwashing Your Hair

It is not recommended to wash your hair once or twice a day to make it look good. It has been a frequent error of most men to over-wash their hair.

According to research, men should limit washing their hair twice or thrice a week. Doing it would ensure healthy hair, and at the same time, you can avoid losing the essential oil from your scalp.

Over-washing of your hair will result in dreaded dryness and brittleness of hair and scalp. So make sure to avoid this mistake early on so that you won’t get to the point that your hair would be lifeless even if you’ll use different kinds of products.

Dry Your Hair the Right Way

Rubbing your hair with a towel after a shower is something that you should stop doing since it’s vulnerable and more prone to damage when it’s wet. Doing it when drying your hair would cause excessive breakage due to the threads of the towel which stretches the hair until it breaks and gets split ends and frizz.

However, the right way to dry your hair is to air-dry it. But make sure to set your hair dryer to the lowest heat setting possible, and leave your hair a little bit of wet to make sure you didn’t over-dry it.

Avoid Wearing a Hat Most of the Time

Wearing a hat is your fashion, but wearing it most of the time would give unpleasant effects to your hair health. Caps can cause minor or major damages to your hair.

Some of these damages include hair loss because the hat pulls too hard on the root of your hair. So, choose to wear loose-fitting kind of hats to avoid this unfortunate situation to happen.

Don’t Do Comb-over

A comb-over is a kind of hairstyle that’s usually worn by bald men wherein hair is grown long on the sides. They used to comb over the top of their head to minimize the appearance of baldness. Doing it, on the other hand, won’t help your problem.

When you combed over the top of your head, you wouldn’t still look good at all. Instead, go to the barber shop and get a haircut which would fit your thinning hair style.

Protect Your Hair from the Harmful Chlorine

The chlorine, just like in the pool, is harmful to your scalp because it can cause dryness and brittleness. Before stepping into the pool, make sure to wet your hair with clean water and apply a mild type of conditioner to help protect your hair from the chlorine. Wearing a swimming cap would also be sufficient for your scalp.

Avoid Using a Lot of Products on Your Hair

Using products on your hair is a way to groom yourself, but always remember that using too much of them is not good anymore. Using too many products such as gel, putties, wax, and paste would make your hair look dense and unnatural. So refrain from using too much of them, instead, use small amounts for your hairstyle needs.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Regular trimming of your hair is one of the essential ways to achieve healthier hair. Doing it would help you get rid of damaged hair especially split ends. Your hair would surely look healthier after every cut. Make sure to do the trimming once every six to eight weeks. Thus, you will achieve a much cleaner look most of the time.

Stay Being Healthy

Being healthy must always start in you. Your hair can be a reflection of your lifestyle. You should eat a balanced diet, drink a lot of water, get plenty of exercises, get enough sleep, and always try to stay positive to obtain a healthy lifestyle and healthier hair.


A good-looking man would always come together with a healthy, and fresh looking hair. By using hair removal cream for men and other hair care products, you could now achieve a more attractive hair looks. Thus, make sure to apply the tips above to obtain the best results.