Find yourself with online therapy at Naya Clinics

Find yourself with online therapy at Naya Clinics
Find yourself with online therapy at Naya Clinics

Counselling through the internet is not a fad. It’s a mental healthcare institution that is here to stay. Not only is online therapy highly accessible to all, it can also be highly private, which is part of its allure. The idea behind therapy is that it can help you achieve peace. Peace with others, peace with yourself. Even perfectly happy people can benefit from a few sessions of counselling in order to get to know themselves better. There is no harm in talking to a professional to get a new perspective on yourself.

Sam Nabil, Founder of Naya Clinics, believes that too. All his life, he pursued improvement. He moved from country to country, noting the various cultural differences and went on to build a career in professional sports before he got his masters in clinical mental health counseling. He learned that most people didn’t realize that they were unhappy, and even more didn’t know how to properly communicate their thoughts with their family members, especially their spouse. 

Communication is a learned skill. Loving oneself is also a learned skill. In a world where there are so many distractions and directions, we often feel lost in the noise of knowing who we are. Sometimes we do certain things – such as settle down and get married – simply because it is what everyone else is doing. We seldom question our way of life, choosing to follow our parents’ footsteps blindly because it fits into society’s idea of what constitutes a human experience.

Being able to talk to a professional therapist will help you cultivate a better idea of who you are, especially during these trying times which can cause undue stress. Being locked down indoors with naught but our own thoughts can be isolating and depressing. However, Naya Clinics offer online therapy which allows you to go for consultations and conduct sessions through the internet. 

The coronavirus pandemic might be a global catastrophe, but we are incredibly lucky to be living in a digital age where we are able to virtually do everything through the internet. From buying groceries, to finding support, to spending time with our friends and family, there’s almost nothing you cannot do through a screen. Consumers are slowly becoming more wary about the internet and the amount of personal information that’s stored digitally. That’s why Sam Nabil wants to reassure his patients by using the latest and most secure technology for video consulting, which protects the client’s medical records and prevents the video call from being hacked.

Naya Clinics is open to all, from busy businessmen to stay-at-home-moms. He believes that everyone should be given the opportunity to better themselves, whether mental health or relationships with their peers. It is paramount that people begin to accept that outside help is acceptable and that there is nothing shameful about talking to a therapist. Until such time comes, Nabil continues to offer home consultations, hoping that the added bonus of anonymity will encourage those that need help to reach out.