Diving into cannabinoid extractions CBD, THC and CBG.

Over the past few years, cannabidiol (CBD) has been extolled by natural health enthusiasts for its unique characteristics which seem promising to be used by our culture for many years to come. There is a man named Allan GM et al who measured a significant reduction in pain, nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy, this study is titled “Systematic review of systematic reviews for medical cannabinoids: Pain, nausea and vomisint, spasticity, and harms.”


Valdeolivas S, a scientist who is published in the Us National Library of Medicine recorded neuroprotective properties of cannabigerol in Huntington’s disease in mice.

What we’re learning from cannabinoid manufacturers is that there are other molecules inside of the cannabis plant that have not been isolated and tested like CBD or THC.  As CBD and THC have been studied for approximately twenty years, and there are over eighty unique cannabinoids.

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We have seemingly hundreds of years remaining until we have every type of cannabinoid categorized into its own category in an online store and for sale to the public.

Since 2350 BCE and possible even further back into time, humans have been consuming cannabis and enjoying the psychedelic and entourage effects.

While there are several ways to obtain CBG, without the use of CO2 extraction there’s a large portion of the cannabinoid that will be destroyed during the processing.  Up to 700 pounds of hemp are required to produce a kilogram of CBG because of the extremely low ratio inside each cannabis plant.

Currently there is only one company who has the capability to produce kilograms of CBG, and that’s Global Cannabinoids. On Linkedin, you’ll see that there are several cannabis CEOs commenting on Global Cannabinoids Chief Business Developer (CBD) Ryan Lewis’ posts about purchasing “Everything you have.”

Cannabinoids Overview

As one of the oldest medicines cultivated for human health, cannabis and its special components have an uncanny capacity for relieving pain, controlling seizures, improving the mood, resisting anxiety, getting better sleep and much more. It may seem too good to be true as cannabinoids can address almost every aspect of poor health, but why are they so effective?

The first step to understanding the differences between cannabinoids, is by understanding the operations of the endocannabinoid system, or the ECS.

The ECS is a system of receptors located all across the body but in especially high concentrations in in the major organs, brain and central nervous system. These receptors work together to monitor the conditions of the body and properly process the experience of pain, inflammation, digestion, sleep habits, mood and more. Cannabinoids like CBG and CBD, interact with the receptors of the ECS in different ways and can therefore modulate many of the biological process over which the ECS presides.

One of the best sources of the cannabinoid CBD is hemp, because it contains higher quantities of CBD and lower quantities of the psychoactive compound THC (even though exact levels are different depending on the strain, or cultivar.

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Photo Credit: Hkherbarium.net

Nevertheless, you can only find small amount of CBG in your average hemp plants, just over 1% of dry weight will be CBG. Older plants tend to have much less CBG than younger plants. This is because CBG is an important precursor from which THC and CBD are formed within the trichomes of the cannabis. As time goes by more CBG is transformed into other cannabinoids.

Comparing the Benefits of CBD and CBG

The first thing to know is that neither CBG nor CBD have any psychoactive properties that could produce a “high” experience. They are also completely natural products that have no record of unhealthy side effects in otherwise healthy individual and offer extensive benefits.

Just like CBD, CBG provides its special benefits through a unique reaction with the endocannabinoid system. A study performed in 2015 found the CBG was an effective remedy for condition of the bladder and another study from 1990 authored by Colasanti BK found is relieved the pressure related to glaucoma conditions.

CBG is also a neuroprotective agent and has powerful effects against certain types of cancer. It also affects the digestive functions and can mitigate the effects of irritable bowel syndrome while improving the appetite. Finally, it helps to keep bacteria and microbes at bay with antibacterial properties.

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Some of the benefits found in CBG are also found in CBD, like the addressing the pressure of glaucoma and restraining tumor growth. CBG and CBD are both neuroprotective which keep the brain from damage and stress. They are also anti-inflammatory effects that can enhance the healing process and help to avert inflammatory conditions which can lead to immune system disorders.

In itself, CBD builds resilience to anxieties and can help soothe the stress response and restore optimal physiological status. This is especially beneficial in addressing conditions like social anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mood and emotional issues.

Most importantly, CBD is an analgesic every bit as effective as OTC NSAIDS and opioids with none of the scathing side effects associated with long term use. CBD has been found effective against the agony of fibromyalgia (which some experts consider a condition of the ECS), migraines, arthritis and many other conditions of chronic pain and inflammation.

While the benefits of CBG and CBD have not been fully studies when used together, we are aware of a special occurrence called “the entourage effect” which was first noticed by Israeli scientists in the 1990’s.  Basically, the entourage effect means that the effects provided by cannabinoids are optimized when applied with their original array of naturally occurring cannabinoids and other natural compounds. This has been best noticed with THC and CBD, while both are effective pain relievers their analgesic benefits are greatly enhanced when taken together.

Which hemp oil contains CBG?

If you are hoping to gain the full advantage of the entourage effect, you will need to find “full spectrum” CBD products as these contain all the original plant compounds. The big problem with these products is they do contain varying amounts of THC. Because THC is still a controlled substance, this can be a legal problem in some areas and THC will show up on a drug screening even in small amounts. Furthermore, you can expect different reactions and effects from different products.

If you live in a state with stricter laws on cannabis cultivation and use, you can take advantage of all the healthy benefits of CBD in a CBD isolate or “broad spectrum” CBD product. Both of these products have had the THC content removed to legal levels (>0.3%) so can be used in any state.

In Conclusion

As we continue to study the fascinating effects that cannabinoids provide to the human body, our understanding of human health is also increasing. While CBG has proven to be highly beneficial, CBD is by far the leading treatment within the hemp plant.

Author Bio: Angela Hatch is a journalist in the botanical industry and frequently receives updates from the world’s cultivars of unique and rare herbs.