CBD Oil Vs Hemp Oil – What’s the Difference?

CBD Oil Vs Hemp Oil – What’s the Difference?
CBD Oil Vs Hemp Oil. Image source: Pixabay

As the popularity of CBD oil has grown, so has hemp oil. They are both extracted from the hemp plant, but they have some very different properties and effects on the body.

Some people mistakenly use hemp oil and CBD oil interchangeably, but there are major differences between the two and it would not be accurate to use the two terms side by side. Let’s look at some of the ways the two oils are different.

They are not made in the same way

CBD oil is usually made through ethanol or CO2 extraction. It uses the whole hemp product and can withdraw many different compounds of the plant. Most commonly, cannabinoids and terpenes are extracted.

Hemp oil is made only with the seeds, not with the whole plant. The end product is a dark and thick oil. It is very highly concentrated and very rich in nutrients.

CBD has more benefits

While hemp seed oil also has notable health benefits, it pales in comparison to CBD oil. It is best used for its omega-3 and omega-6 composition. This makes it a good addition to any diet because it allows you to get all the essential fatty acids you need.

Despite the nutritional benefits and the potential to provide cardiac benefits, it does not have any therapeutic potential since hemp oil does not contain any cannabidiol, or CBD, as it is more commonly known.

CBD has several health benefits, most notably mental ones. Hemp oil does not provide any benefits for mental health. CBD on the other hand, has been shown to help people manage their symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.

It can also provide pain relief for joint, nerve, and muscle pain. Many people also use CBD to help them sleep better.

If you are looking for an all-around oil to help with many health conditions, CBD oil is a better option. Hemp oil is only a better choice if you are just looking to add some extra nutrients to your diet.

There is an option for both

Some people buy CBD oil and hemp oil. While they can’t be used interchangeably, they can be used at the same time in order to receive all the benefits that both offer.

On some occasions, CBD oil is actually made by using hemp seed oil as a carrier oil. Although MCT oil and coconut oil are more commonly used, it is not difficult to find a combination of the two.

The laws are different

Since hemp oil is viewed as a dietary supplement, the rules are more relaxed concerning where and when you can buy it.

CBD oils, however, have a different set of rules and regulations that they have to meet. Most CBD oils can only contain a certain amount of THC. This legal THC limit lies at 0.2% in the UK. CBD oils are becoming more regulated and now must meet certain criteria and stamping to be legally sold on the market.

This may make it slightly harder to buy, but it helps you know that the products you are buying are high quality and safe to consume and use.

It is always in the interest of the user to request a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) when buying any CBD product, including CBD oil. This is because it is an independent document produced by a third-party laboratory that confirms the exact ingredients of the product, as well as confirming the absence of damaging additives, such as heavy metals and pesticides.

Final Thoughts

While they are two very different products, it is important to ascertain exactly why you want to make the choice that you are.

As previously mentioned, hemp oil is probably the less effective option overall and is more typically used as nothing more than a dietary supplement.

The potential of CBD for a whole host of benefits on the other hand is astounding. While draconian laws and the existing prohibition has slowed research down somewhat, this has picked up pace in recent years.

While more research is still required and always will be, there are incredibly promising signs that show CBD as effective in combatting stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, providing pain relief, improving the appearance of skin and many other benefits.