Asan Series : Prarambhik Asans (Part 2) – Yogi Ashwini

By Yogi Ashwini

Dhyan Foundation
Dhyan Foundation

Prana is the vital force that is present in each and every particle whether living or non living in this creation. The frequency at which the prana vibrates in each thing or organism dictates its outer appearance. It is essential to have free flow of Prana in the body to ensure it remains disease free and healthy. These prarambhik asanas as entailed in the Sanatan kriya are very effective in removing any blockages in the pranic body. The focus on the various joints in our body where the blockages can happen and result in diseases. One may have noticed that joint pain is among the first signs of ageing, it happens because of congestion in prana.

Last time we discussed how the open blockages in the ankle joint. Today we focus on asans for the Knee joint.

Sit with your legs outstretched. Ensure that the back is straight and both legs and heels are joined together. Place the palms on the ground next to your hip, fingers pointing away from the body.


Gently inhale and push your right knee towards the ground. Hold for a count of seven. Exhaling, relax your knee. Repeat this seven times. The same process is repeated for the left knee and then with both knees together.

Next, keeping your back straight bring your right knee close to the chest. Hug your right thigh from below with both arms and rotate the knee in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction seven times each. Inhale in half rotation and exhale in the other half. Repeat this on the other leg. Now rotate both knees together making a circle with both while you inhale in half rotation and exhale in the other half.

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These seemingly simple rotations play an important role in bringing about a balance in various layers of body and increasing the efficiency of various body systems. It is advisable to keep your eyes closed and maintain the internal awareness of the body part that is being rotated to ensure maximum benefit.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and can be reached at


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