Tips for growing a landscaping business

Tips for growing a landscaping business

Whenever you start up a business venture, for it to be growing and successful, it is important to market it such that, the right people get to know about it at the right time. This is the most effective way for a commercial business to get profitable and ensure its success, by holding onto your client and getting to know when they need you at your service. And similarly, starting a landscaping business is not an easy feat, hence you must devise and have a plan and a list of purposeful steps, which you design according to your business, that you must take to keep your business running smoothly, with as minimum hassle as possible. So this article will take you through a list of some landscaping business tips and tricks which will help you growing business.

1-        Hold on to and retain your existing clients

It is no denying the fact that 80% of the earnings of your business are earned through the 20 % of the existing retained clients. Therefore, when you go about making a priority list, you make sure not to keep your existing clients on the top. It is very important that you maintain a good healthy relationship with your clients and make them feel valued. Keep on asking them for their point of view and their feedback on the job that you have done, and try to incorporate their ideas into your service for them.

2-      Pass the word along

Once you have successfully managed to win over the trust of your clients and they have enough confidence over you, you can always ask them to help pass the word along, and there is nothing to be ashamed off in this. This is also an added advantage in a way because the customers will be able to give first hand review of your business to others in a great depth. Because people are already very skeptical about who they trust their lawns with, this could serve as benefit because your clients who have seen your work for quite some time, will most likely appreciate and also put in a good word about you.

3-      Have an estimate for the jobs ready beforehand

One of the major factors while choosing a landscaping business from a client’s point of view is the cost of getting a job done, whether it is a simple task of trimming the bushes or building a three-level deck. It is important that you have all the costing done beforehand. This will not save quite a lot of your time, but also help you estimate the cost of different forms and types of services that you can provide, in no time, if you already have the templates made and the costs entered in according to the specifications. Apart from that, there also a number of softwarepackages, namely CLIP and LandPro Systems, specifically designed for the landscapers and these could come in very handy, and can help you make good estimates of your services.

4-      Choose your people wisely

When the business is growing, there can be times when you will not be able to take care of all the jobs at the same time and deliver it by the deadline as well. So in this case you may want to hire a helping hand or two. The trick in this situation is to fist identify the tasks that you specialize in and you think would require a bit of thinking to be done for a particular job, and take the responsibility for that on yourself. And for the helping hand, you can either hire a general landscaping assistant (to help in mowing, maintenance and installation), an estimator which could do site visits with you and get a good estimate of the costs or a general office staff to take care of the administration and logistics department. This will greatly help reduce the additional burden and will also aid in maintaining focus on your job at hand too.

5-      Rebrand or Revamp

Sometimes the business has been running for quite a few decades and is more sort of an old family business. In this case, to help create a buzz about your business and attract to a greater number of people, you can choose to rebrand your logo, refocus your brand image, or perhaps create a tagline or design/revamp the website too. This will create interest within people and will get them talking about your business and perhaps serve as an indirect marketing channel too.
