Whether you’re using them to store leftovers, nicely display home-cooked foods at a dinner party, or to package them for sale on your local farmer’s market – it’s important to use a food packaging that’s both attractive and safe. When it comes to food packaging, there are plenty of options available. Ranging from plastic containers to aluminum bottles and glass jars – there are plenty of food packagings to choose from. It is important to keep in mind, however, that every type of food packaging brings along its own set of benefits and disadvantages. And when it comes to food packaging, the most important aspect on which to select your container is safety.
As of late, it has become more and more clear that the use of certain food packaging brings along health-related risks. It is believed that chemicals that can be found in certain types of packagings can leak out and affect the foods stored inside. Upon consumption of these foods, the chemicals will then enter your body which, in turn, may put your health at risk. One of these chemicals that many of us have heard about before is BPA. BPA is a chemical that is commonly found in clear plastics. These clear plastics are also used in the production of food containers and drinking bottles. When these food containers get exposed to high temperatures or when they get damaged, it is believed that the BPA can leak out of the packaging and affect the products inside. When consumed in large quantities, BPA is believed to damage brain development and increase your chances of getting serious sicknesses such as diabetes and cancer.
Because of these reasons, it is advised to stay away from plastic food storage solutions. Sure, clear plastics may look beautiful and besides, they are durable and affordable, however, the potential health effects do not make it worth taking the risk. As such, we’d recommend the use of alternative packagings to store and display your foods. When it comes to alternatives to plastics, glass and aluminum are, by far, the safest and most affordable options.
Aluminum Food Storage
When it comes to storing or displaying your foods, we’re all looking for something unique and eye-catching. This alone should already be a reason to stay away from regular plastic jars. One great alternative to plastic food packaging that truly stands out from the rest is aluminum.
With its modern metal finish and sleek seamless design, aluminum food-packaging certainly makes your edibles stand out from the crowd. Their modern and sleek finish makes them perfect for displaying foods that are for sale or served on a classy dinner party. Aluminum tins, for example, are great or serving desserts such as pudding or ice cream. Alternatively, they can be used at the side as a stylish spice jar. When used as a packaging material, aluminum tins are perfect for storing any types of foods including spices, teas, candies, and more. Aluminum bottles, on the other hand, are great for distributing drinks and sauces in a unique and futuristic manner. Their bullet-shaped design and seamless metal finish certainly give them a unique touch that is guaranteed to grab the attention of your guests.
Naturally, there is so much more to aluminum than simply it’s premium appearance. When it comes to food-storage, aluminum is 100% food-safe. Aluminum is a natural material that does not require any coatings to maintain its original quality. As such, it’s completely chemical-free. Aluminum packagings can be safely used with any type of basic food products. Because it does not corrode, it is suitable for both solid and liquid edibles alike. It furthermore creates a solid barrier between the foods and the external environment in terms of air, moisture, and smells. Hence, the shelf-life of food kept in aluminum bottles and containers will increase significantly. Last but not least, aluminum is fully recyclable; making it safe, stylish, and environmentally option to serve or distribute your foods.
Glass Food Storage
Glass food packaging has been around for centuries. It is one of the oldest types of food serving and packaging materials that is still extremely popular today. The reason why glass is and always has been a popular material in the food industry is because of its elegant looks and food-safe capabilities.
When it comes to food-safety, glass is, together with aluminum, the only material that is considered to be 100% food-safe. Glass also is a natural material that does not contain any chemicals. Hence it’s safe to use glass jars and bottles to store any type of food. Besides, glass is recyclable and thus an environmentally friendly packaging options, which makes it popular in sustainable kitchens.
Besides the fact that glass is sustainable and safe to use, it has one other major advantage over other packaging materials; its appearance. Glass simply has an elegant appearance that adds a premium touch to any type of product that’s kept inside. This makes glass jars and glass bottles highly attractive for storing high-quality food products. The use of glass food packaging gives you a perfect opportunity to differentiate your home-cooked foods from those of others on the local farmer’s market. Besides, glass furthermore offers a stylish and unique way to serve fresh foods during a dinner party. Use glass jars to serve desserts or gravy. Or use clear glass bottles for your colorful sauces and spice. The premium appearance of glass along with its food-safe and environmentally friendly characteristics makes it the number one choice in food packaging for people around the globe.