Make Mothers Day Marvellous with GLAD

Make Mothers Day Marvellous with GLAD

Make Mother’s Day Marvellous with GLAD !

Be Marvellous this Mother’s Day by showing your Mom how much you appreciate her by putting special touches on everything you do. Whether you and/or the kids plan on making cards and gifts; baking a special treat or preparing a meal, GLAD is the perfect companion.

Below is a simple and easy recipe you can use and add in your own personal creative touch.

Almond and Raspberry White Chocolate Bark
Serves 4
30 mins

• 320g white chocolate
• 100g roasted and salted almonds, chopped
• Handful raspberries
• Pinch salt flakes
• Zest of 1 orange

How to do it
1. Break your white chocolate into a glass bowl and melt over a pot of simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth.
2. Line a tray or board with Glad Bake & Cooking Paper (use a little melted chocolate on each corner of the paper to secure it).
3. Spread the melted chocolate over the bake paper, scatter over the chopped almonds, raspberries, pinch of salt and grate over the zest of 1 orange.
4. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes, before breaking into shards.
5. Serve.

All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer. GLAD – Saving good food. From going bad.

Please visit for more information and follow ‘GLAD SOUTH AFRICA’ on Facebook; Available in the GLAD aisle of most supermarkets.