5 Foods to Increase Your Energy

5 Foods to Increase Your Energy
5 Foods to Increase Your Energy. Image source: Pixabay

Don’t buy energy drinks, sports supplements, or packaged bars. Instead, get your zip with naturally energy foods. These five tips can help you feel more energetic every day.

1) Whole-Wheat bread

Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source if energy. These are not jelly beans or lollipops (a.k.a. Simple sugars. They can cause you to crash into the wall within 20 mins if you consume too many. Whole grains take longer to break down, giving you more energy. B-vitamins are also found in whole grains. They work together to increase energy and speed up your metabolism.

2) Strawberries

You need an immediate boost of energy. Take a few strawberries. You can find them at your local farmers’ market and produce grocer. They are sweet and juicy. Strawberries also have fiber, which makes it easier for your body to absorb carbohydrates more slowly. Fresh fruits are great for snacking during the afternoon, especially when you’re in a slump at 3pm.

3) Broccoli

Believe it or not one cup of broccoli can actually contain as much vitamin C than an orange. What is the importance of this vitamin? According to an Arizona State University study, 1 in 3 women didn’t get enough vitamin B3. The women felt happier and more energetic after increasing their intake to 500mg per day. Reduce your intake of vitamin C supplements. Instead, eat more broccoli. Men can also do this.

4) Pork

You need enough iron to maintain constant energy levels. Iron is the most prevalent nutrient deficiency across the US (and around the globe). This mineral is essential for oxygen transport. It attaches to red blood cells and helps to transport oxygen. Common iron deficiency symptoms? Fatigue and low energy.

Pork contains iron. It’s also rich in B-vitamins, such as thiamine or niacin. Both of these vitamins are involved in your metabolism. Lean cuts of pork such as tenderloins and pork chops are better than higher-fat foods that can cause you to feel slow and bloated.

5) Water

Two-thirds of our bodies are made up of water. Water is important for controlling body temperature, digestion, and to provide energy. Even slight dehydration can make you tired. Although 8 cups is the standard recommendation, it can vary from person to person. Sip your favorite beverage all day. You don’t have to eat a lot of food. Foods high in water (fruits and vegetables, especially) count towards your daily water intake.

The Most Important Thing

Don’t skip meals! Your body will start to run on fumes if you wait too long between meals. You’ll also be more likely overindulge in your next meal. Also, eating larger portions can make you tired and slow. Keep your meals balanced and eat 2-3 healthy snacks per day. This will help you replenish your energy at a steady and slow pace.