A perfect guide to Buy Men’s Suits

A perfect guide to Buy Men’s Suits
A perfect guide to Buy Men’s Suits

It’s a tricky job to choose a perfect suit for a man, If you do not have a reason to wear designer men’s suits frequently, you may become unsure how it’s going to look on the person after suit up. In addition, some may assume that pulling it comfortably on will do the work as long as you can close the button. However, reality shows that there is more than just wearing a suit. 

First, you need to get into one. Then, you make sure that you do not want your suit to be extremely tight. Because it will make you uncomfortable to move around freely. On the other hand, oversized will make you look unattractive and baggy. This guide will help you get in touch with the basics of choosing a perfect men’s suit. As there are different types of suits available, it is essential to look into every aspect of perfect fittings.


How to choose the perfect men’s suit?

A perfect men’s suit acts as armour. which is not just a matter of protection but also a statement of fashion. The fabulous business attire, Especially business suits is what makes you feel confident. According to men’s beliefs, for them, one or two designer suits are enough.

At Khaliques, we have tried to ease things down for you. With this perfect and handy guide, you can find the most suitable attire and effortlessly channelize your inner personality. 

The following are the steps that you consider when it comes to choosing a great suit.

1. A perfect fit is considered a star in the suit selection.

A men’s suit that is too large, baggy, and long can make you look sloppy. The main golden rule to get that devastatingly sophisticated look is to have a suit that flatters your unique body frame and brings out its best features.

However, getting and achieving “ that perfect fit “ is a difficult task. Numerous factors determine to get the ultimate fit that works best for your frame type.

A few helpful tips that will help you find a flawlessly fitted men’s suit.

  • Length of the Jacket.

Is your jacket too long or too short? Here is an easy trick to get and achieve the right length. You can hang your arm straight and palms folded in a fist. Make sure your knuckles fall in line with them.

  • Shoulders

The shoulder pad of the suit should lie flat without overhanging beyond the shoulder bones.

  • Length of Sleeves

Sleeves should not fall beyond the base of your thumb. You can make sure that about half an inch of your shirt cuff is visible.

  • Closure

While you try on the jacket, make sure it fits comfortably near your stomach area. On the other hand, it should not be too tight to avoid the clumsy gaping at the buttons.

  • Trouser Break

The trouser cuffs of the suit should not be too long and must comfortably rest an inch above your shoe.

2. Focus on the fabrics.

Finding or discovering the ultimate fit is considered as half the battle won. Selecting the suitable fabric makes your men’s suit look classy. If you opt for extra shining material, it may spoil your jacket’s overall look and feel. It is always best to avoid synthetic clothes because they do not allow your suit to breathe.

Moreover, go for season-appropriate fabrics. Cotton, linen, or mohair are great for hot and humid summers. While cashmere, tweed, or wool are ideal when the temperature gets lower. You can go with wool for appropriate year-round fabric.

3. Colour is the primary focus.

Apart from perfect fitting and fabric, another crucial element is colour. Choosing the right colours is the key to creating an excellent first impression. 

So, unless you have to show up at a red carpet event. It is probably best to stack your wardrobe with colours other than black. It is always better to have something less formal in your closet for a casual and fun event.

On the other hand, black is an all-purpose colour, and it is always nice to expand the palette. Apart from the regulars like charcoal grey and navy blue. You can also go for lesser-used colours like pastel hues, cream, brown, burgundy, or forest green.


You will get an overall idea of the fittings, fabric, and colour of the men’s suits with this perfect guide. You can also get several ways to choose the ideal designer men’s suits either from the online or offline medium.