Season 2 of ‘Die Uitnodiging’ promises more heartfelt reconciliations

Season 2 of ‘Die Uitnodiging’ promises more heartfelt reconciliations
Season 2 of 'Die Uitnodiging' promises more heartfelt reconciliations

How do you fix a broken relationship? We all have them, but some fractures destroy lives. What Die Uitnodiging aims to do is help revive these broken relations.

This unusual reality show returns for a much-anticipated new season in July. Cato Bekker leads as host and producer.

Says Cato, “Our new season starts 22 July on kykNet. Viewers can join us to experience honest moments of people reconnecting after trauma and division. It all unfolds on the screen.”

A stand-out new season

What viewers enjoyed most about season one was living through the motivation of each party, why they thought the relationship needed mending, whether they were prepared to forgive and reconcile and arriving at a resolution.

Just like its predecessor, season two will introduce viewers to some fascinating and relatable people from all walks of life with varied relationships. “These are real moments between real people,” emphasises Cato.

At the end of the season, a reunion episode offers updates on the status of the relationships we have followed. “The reunion show is something viewers really enjoy, as it provides closure to the show’s most intriguing stories,” she says.

Authentic and relatable stories

In this process, nothing is scripted. “Every second is authentic. The day unfolds on screen as it happened while we were filming,” says Cato. “We follow real people, real relationships and real emotions. We enter people’s homes to talk about things that matter. We can all learn valuable lessons about what causes conflict and how to resolve it. As we are drawn into their lives, we start doing some introspection of our own.”

“We are privileged to share raw and emotional yet beautiful moments with our guests. The show aims to inspire viewers and perhaps even help a little with life-changing reconciliations,” concludes Cato.

Season 2 of Die Uitnodiging starts airing on 22 July at 21:00 on kykNET and from 27 July at 20:00 on kykNET & kie. Season 1 is available to watch on Showmax.

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