Popular music artist Lil Yung Steaz is saying debut album might not be released in 2022

Popular music artist Lil Yung Steaz is saying debut album might not be released in 2022
Popular music artist Lil Yung Steaz is saying debut album might not be released in 2022

Jaey Price is a trapper best known for his single release “Exalt”. The viral South African artist has said that a debut album might not be released yet, he also said the title would be “No Other Optionz”, he says “I have the beats, haven’t recorded, I only have recorded the for the mixtape, it about the music”. The singer is a b-list celebrity. He is has LinkedIn and his music is mostly on Soundcloud, he has YouTube. Jaey Price’s music is available now for purchase, streaming and downloading also. His debut EP album is “dimensionz”.

Jaey Price is young recording artist who is gaining popularity. In a recent article Jaey Price had explained more about the latest project that he released in 2021 adding more detail about it and sharing more precise information that he had not given yet on it at all, and had not been already known about it altogether, he didn’t only give more detail about the project but also about his latest hit second single song that released shortly after the project which he shared more info on.


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