What Is Montessori? 7 Key Principles All Parents Should Know

What Is Montessori? 7 Key Principles All Parents Should Know
What Is Montessori? 7 Key Principles All Parents Should Know

Montessori is an educational approach that believes all children are unique individuals and have different mechanisms to function. It emphasizes independence, freedom, and respect for a child’s natural psychological and social development. 

The system was first coined by a female Italian physician and educator, Dr. Maria Montessori. Henceforth, known as Montessori. She carefully used her training as a scientist and doctor to observe children. 

This way, she designed a school meant to appeal to their natural personality and do away with all of the preconceived notions of what a school should look and behave like. Dr. Montessori believed that children learn better while choosing what to learn and how to learn. 

Montessori schools in Durban are considered among the best schools globally. They offer a high-class education.

Nowadays, Montessori wooden toys are very famous among children as well. They stimulate learning through experiments and make it fun, interactive, and colorful to attract a child’s attention, such as Legos. 

7 Key Principles All Parents Should Know About the Montessori System   

  1. Free Choice

Free choice is very important for the growth of an individual and Montessori schools aim towards it from a very young age. Montessori programs impose necessary limits only. Children are free to make decisions like what to work on, how long to work on, whom to work on, etc.  

By getting the freedom to choose for themselves, children learn the importance and value of independence from the very beginning. This will result in mature and healthy growth.

  1. Experiential Learning

Specific materials are designed and structured for children to learn at Montessori schools in Durban, instead of forcing them to memorize theoretical material. This particularly benefits children for a better future in becoming a propelling force through their higher education, career, and life experiences. 

Experiential learning has a more lasting impact than regular memorizing patterns. Children can relate and pay more attention if made to participate in the learning process rather than memorizing them.

  1. Individualized Curriculum

We all like different subjects, and all have different preferences when it comes to school subjects. In a Montessori class, every student has a different academic level that is tracked by a teacher. Montessori teachers give one-on-one lessons to each student, depending on their specific preferences.

In Montessori schools, they do not focus on collective assignments. Every assignment is provided based on the children’s interests and needs, which has proven to be more successful. The best thing about these schools is the environment that allows children to work, develop, and learn at their own individual pace.

  1. Enhanced Social Interaction

Have you ever thought why children become fascinated by what other children are doing? Montessori focuses on grouping children of different ages together in the same learning environment. Most Montessori classrooms are mixed-age. This arrangement leads to growth that might not occur in a more typical uniform classroom.

  1. Uninterrupted Work Period

The Montessori education system allows an individual to have uninterrupted and long sessions rather than having 30 minutes sessions for each subject. This form of learning enables children to focus properly upon one subject and increases their concentration level due to learning for long hours instead of short. 

  1. Prepared Environment

Montessori classrooms enable a child to bloom in a healthy and natural environment fully. The teachers also pay close attention to the student and prepare them according to their needs for the upcoming barriers and hurdles. This enables a child to get prepared in the required field for possible situations that lie before them, in the most healthily and naturally possible way.

  1. All in One Education

Education doesn’t include just academics but social, mental, emotional, and physical aspects as well. Montessori has its way of educating a child in all these fields and accepts all the types of courses openly. The students learn the importance of mental health and physical development and emotional balance and academic excellence.  

To Sum Up

In addition to the closely designed curriculum practiced in Montessori schools, children can entertain themselves with Montessori wooden toys. It is not always to focus on academics and memorizing facts. We need to give our children their own space to learn new things. 

Montessori is the right choice to bring up the best in your child effectively and uniquely.