Build training programs that swim, not sink.

Build training programs that swim, not sink.

Johannesburg,  – Why do so many companies fail at training? Organisations often wonder why their investments into training platforms aren’t working with limited engagement and poor results. They have a reliable platform, but their people aren’t interested in using it.

Companies need to know how to hit the mark and catch employee attention to achieve the right results. Here are the top two problems and smart ways to resolve them:

01:  Limited focus. When your training programmes aren’t aligned or the dots aren’t connected, then employees are faced with either too much choice or too little. When the programmes aren’t curated for the business or aren’t focused on specific niches and employee roles, then people lose interest or end up training on the wrong things. You need them to have practical knowledge that will deliver real value to your business and their careers.

The solution? Create learning journeys that are neatly aligned with each silo and role type and that meets very real business and employee needs. You can create a space where core skills are easily accessed and learned for all employees, then build out focused training areas that allow employees to drive their careers in the right directions. This will also go a long way towards resolving the second biggest challenge…

02: A lack of engagement. This problem comes in two flavours. The first, as pointed out above, is because the platform is messy and training isn’t targeted. People don’t know where to go or what value the training offers them. The second is that the programme was implemented without employee buy-in which means that they feel forced into it rather than supported by it.

The solution? Build courses that not only showcases clear career benefits and offers measurable growth for employees, but that involves them from the outset. Get employee buy-in from the start or, if it’s too late, rekindle this by getting them involved in redesigning it. This can be further enhanced by gamification and rewards that inspire people to do more.

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