Volunteers come together to re-open local supermarket following damage from violent riots

Volunteers come together to re-open local supermarket following damage from violent riots

This week, Scientology Volunteer Ministers converged to Alexandra to reopen a local Boxer which had been destroyed in July during the violent riots that shook the country. The volunteers who who contributed to rebuilding the store were hugely acknowledged for their hardwork during the event.

Boxer Superstore was one of the hardest-hit stores in Alexandra township through the unrest, this is why the Volunteers and community came to their rescue, cleaning and reviving the store, which is, to date, one of the first local stores to recover and reopen its doors to the public. Attributing this success to the unwavering dedication of the Volunteers.

The event was held with the Superstore in conjunction with the We Love Alexandra Makeover Project and began with a quick a cleanup around the block of Boxer, with new and old volunteers beautifying the environment.

They cleaned the streets and assured the community that they are here to safeguard and protect their store and community.

The cleanup was followed by an award ceremony where each Volunteer was awarded with a certificate of appreciation, signed by the Volunteer Ministers Association, Linda Twala and the Boxer Store Manager.

Linda Twala, who is known as the Father of Alex, was part and parcel of the cleanups and co-hosted the award event today.

He stated his appreciation for the volunteers and acknowledged the value it has brought to the people of Alex by saying “You have been with us from the beginning. You are not coming here to gain anything. You care so much for the community and you have been with us all the way. I share my endless gratitude.”

They were thanked and acknowledged, cheering and celebrating together. In closing the ceremony, they proudly accepted the responsibility of keeping their store in-tact and pledged to always safeguard and protect it.

One of the Volunteer Ministers said, “I’ve seen how devastating it can get if we stand on the sidelines and don’t do anything about it. We pledge to protect our township’s economy. We will let this experience push us forward to grow even bigger as a community and stay united.”