Spend your retirement making a difference

Spend your retirement making a difference
forgood.co.za, the country’s largest online volunteering platform

Retirees could be putting years of experience to good use, by volunteering with causes that address social and development challenges in South Africa. Using the expertise and knowledge gained throughout their professional careers, over 65’s can offer years of insight, skills transfer, and training to the cash-strapped social sector – with the added benefit of keeping busy and making a difference.

“The experience that retired brains bring to the table is incredibly helpful for non-profits, who might not have the resources to hire people in specialist roles, like accountants or brand managers. Whether you’re a recent retiree, or someone who hasn’t been working for several years, these organisations would jump at the chance to have an expert on board to help bridge gaps in their cause,” says Romy Heldsinger, CEO of the country’s largest online volunteering platform, forgood.co.za.

Volunteering is not only beneficial to organisations, but also a great experience for the volunteer. Research has shown that volunteering has major benefits for mental health, due to of the level of socialisation involved. For older adults, donating time to a non-profit provides the opportunity to meet new people and develop connections, which can help soften the landing of the jump from full-time work to retirement.

“Those who are keen to find more exciting ways to spend their time, other than watching the same reruns on TV every week, can use volunteering to keep their minds sharp and continue learning. It also means finding alternative ways to use the skills you’ve crafted – such using your experience as a finance manager, to tutor children at under-resourced schools in maths,” says Heldsinger.

One of the benefits of retirement is the chance to change up your lifestyle. When working a full-time job – particularly in an office – physical activity can be limited. This can change for the better, in retirement. By giving a few hours of your week to volunteering – whether it is for a child healthcare NPO or creating food packs for families in need – you can keep yourself active and healthy while doing meaningful work.

“The beauty of retirement is that it’s a new beginning. Your working life may have ended, but the opportunities and experiences within the volunteering space, highlight that your purpose extends far beyond a professional career – and you may even discover a new passion, by helping a good cause,” says Heldsinger.

Forgood is an online volunteering platform that has over 300 causes for volunteers to choose from. Each organisation is verified by forgood to make your online volunteering or donation experience as safe as possible, so you can be sure that your time or donation will be going to a genuine cause. If you are a retired person looking to make use of your skills in a meaningful way, visit www.forgood.co.za  to find a cause that you’d like to work with, and see any real-time campaigns in progress.