Outside The Bowl Africa Takes Action Against Childhood Hunger

Outside The Bowl Africa Takes Action Against Childhood Hunger
Outside The Bowl Africa Takes Action Against Childhood Hunger

Outside The Bowl Africa, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to combating childhood hunger, recently participated in World Hunger Day on May 28th by providing essential support to vulnerable children across South Africa.

In collaboration with esteemed partners including Youth4life, Christian Literature Fund, Wellspring NPC, Maxiblend & Kingdom Foods International, Outside The Bowl Africa’s efforts has made a significant impact on impoverished communities such as Helderberg, Touwsrivier (Cape Winelands), Worcester (Cape Winelands), Riebeek Kasteel (West Coast, Laingsburg, George (Eden), Paarl and Wellington.

Outside The Bowl Africa, in partnership with 38 preschools, washed the feet of 1 500 toddlers and provided them with warm pairs of socks. Additionally, each child received a nutritional meal to take home. Furthermore, Outside The Bowl Africa will be distributing 6 000 meals to reach the most vulnerable members of the community.

Loren Erasmus, Executive Director at Outside The Bowl Global, emphasizes the importance of World Hunger Day in Outside The Bowl Africa’s mission to combat childhood hunger. “World Hunger Day is a significant event for Outside The Bowl Africa, as it underscores our unwavering commitment to combating childhood hunger.”

“It serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address hunger and nourish the future of our communities,” says Erasmus.

In addressing the ongoing challenges of hunger, Outside The Bowl Africa remains committed to implementing innovative solutions and fostering collaboration within the community. Through initiatives such as annual campaigns and strategic partnerships, OTB Africa has made significant strides in combating hunger, including the remarkable achievement of providing one million meals in just three months.

Individuals and communities are encouraged to get involved in Outside The Bowl Africa’s efforts to combat hunger through various avenues, including food distribution, monetary contributions, online campaigns, and partnering with local businesses and organizations.

Outside The Bowl Africa invites the public to join in the fight against hunger. Through raising awareness, acting, and fostering collaboration, together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by hunger.

“Even though World Hunger Month has concluded, our mission to fight hunger continues with renewed strength. With winter approaching, the need for our services becomes even more critical. We will continue to distribute nutritious meals and aim to increase our reach to ensure no one in our community goes hungry or cold,” shares Erasmus.

The next phase of the project will see the organization actively seeking new feeding partners to join our cause. “We want to expand our network of supporters and collaborators as this is essential for meeting the growing needs of our community during the winter months and beyond,” says Erasmus.

Building on the relationships established last month, Outside The Bowl Africa will continue to pursue funding opportunities to secure the financial resources necessary for their programs.

Erasmus says that the organization’s long-term goals for addressing world hunger are centred around creating sustainable, systemic changes that not only provide immediate relief but also address the root causes of hunger.

“These goals are designed to build resilient communities, improve food security, and promote overall well-being. Our commitment to making a difference remains steadfast. The progress we made in May is just the beginning. Together, we can build on this momentum and continue to create positive change in our community. Your ongoing support and dedication are invaluable to our mission.”

Outside the Bowl Africa Links:
Website Outside the Bowl Africa: https://africaotb.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outsidethebowlafrica
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outsidethebowlfeeding/
Event Video: https://www.facebook.com/events/537384357660179


In the heart of Africa, amidst the bustling city of Paarl, Mark Maingard found himself at a crossroads. Mark had always been a shrewd entrepreneur, adept at navigating the intricacies of the corporate world. However, a pivotal moment in his life was about to change everything.

Mark’s life took a turn after a vivid dream – a divine calling urging him to “Go and feed my children.” Startled yet inspired, he decided to shift from the pursuit of wealth to a mission for the less fortunate. The dream had lit a fire within him, and Mark was determined to make a difference.

In February 2016, Mark and his business partner took a bold step. They renovated and equipped a derelict facility in Paarl, transforming it into a hub of hope. On May 29, 2016, the first batch of 200 nutritious hot meals was delivered from their newly established non-profit organization.

The path to realizing this ambitious dream led Mark to meet Jae and Debra Evans from Outside The Bowl. Together, they forged a partnership that would amplify the impact of their individual efforts.

Over time, Mark’s dedication to feeding hungry children grew, but he realized that addressing the staggering scale of the issue required more than providing 3000 meals a day. The lingering dream urged him to do more.

In the pursuit of a scalable solution, Mark developed VitaKidz Instant Energy Meal – a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide instant nutrition on a massive scale. VitaKidz was conceived as a solution that could be produced in large quantities, making it possible to feed thousands of children with ease.

Through collaboration and determination, Mark Maingard’s dream transformed from a single act of kindness into a movement with the potential to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of hungry children. The journey was challenging, but the initial dream persisted, guiding Mark and his allies as they worked tirelessly to turn their collective vision into reality.

Today, we celebrate and pursue to make this dream a reality.

Outside The Bowl Africa Takes Action Against Childhood Hunger
Outside The Bowl Africa Takes Action Against Childhood Hunger