Gauteng Volunteers provide relief in Durban after deadly floods

Gauteng Volunteers provide relief in Durban after deadly floods
Gauteng Volunteers provide relief in Durban after deadly floods

South Africa, Scientology Volunteer Ministers from Gauteng arrived in Durban recently to render assistance after heavy rains in recent days triggered floods and mudslides that have killed more than 440 people, left thousands homeless, knocked out power and water services and disrupted operations at one of Africa’s busiest ports, Durban with billions in infrastructure damage.

After the heavy rains slowed down, the full extent of the damage became noticeable and the Scientology Volunteer Ministers quickly assembled a large team and travelled to the devastated province to as it comes to terms with the emotional and physical damage left behind.  The volunteers immediately sprang into action and joined the various community and government relief efforts beginning with cleanups at Durban North Beach and spreading into the inlands.

“As we stood in front of heaps of debris as far as the eye can see, the reality of the damage became clear. Although we have suffered unimaginable losses, now is the time to come together and do what’s right by rebuilding our home”, said Mau Meiring, a Scientology volunteer on the scene.

Images from the scene show debris covering almost the entirety of the shore with tons of waste as volunteers and community members sort through the rubbish left behind.

Despite the risks, Durban residents  are coming  together to clean up the devastated lands.

In subsequent days, the volunteer ministers were working with the Joint Operations Committee for search and rescue operations  in Inanda and other affected areas.

“I am very glad that the Volunteer Ministers are here. It is very rare for people to just offer to go out and help us, they don’t always even realize that we need help. So thank you.” Said an Inanda resident, this sentiment was shared by the other members who nodded in agreement.

The Organization, founded by Humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard was also seen  providing counselling, doing food distributions and doing skills training working with the community to help them rebuild.

Believed to be one of the deadliest disasters to hit in the 21st century. As the intense rain continues to sweep through Kwazulu Natal and affecting mostly the low income areas, the community is already preparing to rebuild.

“The devastation has been so catastrophic that the provincial government has declared a state of disaster.” – Aljazeera News.

Mr. Meiring concluded by saying that the volunteers are mobilizing more people and will stay on the scene for as long as needed.