My Epic Fail Fairytale

My Epic Fail Fairytale
My Epic Fail Fairytale

In Senta Seele’s second book ‘My Epic Fail Fairytale’, she shares her ‘epic fail’ of a fairytale life and shares how to do the work in order to shift your focus from ‘happily-ever-after’ to ‘happily-in-the-now’.

‘My Epic Fail Fairytale’ synopsis

“Once-upon-a-time…” is how all fairytales start. We all share the dream of the perfect fairytale life, and we all look forward to our “Happily-ever-after.” But what happens if our story does not turn out how we hoped it would? Journey with Senta as she shares her “Epic Fail” of a fairytale life and learn how to do the work in order to shift your focus from “Happily-ever-after” to “Happily-in-the-now.” No matter what has happened in your life, you can rewrite your story.

Price: R200 each

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Facebook: facebook/com/myepicfailfairytale

Instagram: @my_epic_fail_fairytale

Senta is also an experienced Motivational Speaker and offers talks for Women’s month events, ladies’ groups and high school learners on several topics covered in her book, including: Body Image, Intention Setting, Re-writing your Story and Dating Yourself. To book Senta for a talk, email [email protected]